The Box

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(Aphmau's POV)

I yawned and softly opened my eyes, what I saw wasn't my window, but Garroth's sleepy face. His arms wrapped around me like snakes, he was so warm. Then I realized he was only in some boxers. I had almost forgotten what we had done last night, I almost forgot giving myself to Garroth, I softly giggled at the thought of how our night went last night. Just then his eyes slowly opened to reveal too large light blue specks of color. He smiled at me softly.

"Good morning M'lady" he said with his soft and smooth buttery voice, couldn't help but slightly giggle.

"Good morning to you Garroth" I said softly, he smiled and took his arms away and sat up my torso was cold now without his arms wrapped around me, I set up as well and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and he softly pat my head to soften my hair and to smooth it over.

"How did you sleep my dear?" He asked.

"I slept pretty good actually" I said cheerfully, his smile grew and he chuckled slightly and I giggled again. He stopped chuckling and softly moves the hair from in front of my face, I blushed.

"You are so beautiful Aph" he said, just then he kissed me sweetly, I kissed back, he was so sweet and loving and I never saw that. He pulled away and stood up, I missed his lips. I looked over, my box still sat on the stand and Garroth was naked, I giggled and realized I was naked too, I stood up as he put pants on no shirt, I grabbed  a sky blue bra and matching panties, I then just through on a cute short blue dress that I found in my closet with my warrior boots and I threw my hair into a ponytail, I turned around to see Garroth smirking.

"What?" I asked, he chuckled and hugged me from behind.

"I'm just really glad I finally got to tell you how I felt m'lady" he said sweetly, I huffed.

"I said you can call me Aph-" I said, he kisses the side of my head.

"At this moment yes when we are alone like this I will call you Aph but outside I don't want Laurence getting jealous so I will call you m'lady" he said, I smiled and snuggled into his chest.

"Ok Gar Gar" I said softly, he chuckled a bit.

"How did you know that was my nickname???" He asked, I realized what I said and didn't respond.

"Only my baby brother Zane and my mom called me that?" He said, I sunk into his chest as he tugged at my heart strings. He turned me around and looked me in the eyes.

"I heard it from someone outside of the village" it sounded like a good lie, Garroth pulled me in and kissed me softly.

"Aphmau" he said smoothly, I blushed deeply as he had that look of lust in his eyes again.

"Your a bad lier" he said, I blushed more as he proceeded to spank me, I bit my lip hard, he chuckled and stopped.

"Please Aph tell me the truth" he said, I looked away.

"I will soon but I can't now we have to go to work" I said, he huffed and nodded.

"Fine but I want to know" he said, I giggled and whispered.

"Yes master" I said, he blushed like an idiot as I laughed as hard as I could, he huffed.

"Well if you are done I should go" he said, I fixed myself and went down stairs, Zoey was standing in the kitchen.

"Hello lady Aphmau and Garroth?" She said confused as to why he was here.

"Lady Aphmau and we're talking earlier this morning and we were just finishing up here" Garroth said, i sighed as Garroth got away with our lie. Zoey smiled as she put a few pancakes on a plate for me and one for Garroth.

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