Time away pt. 2

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(Aphmau POV)

I opened my eyes softly to see the light shine through the window, I rolled a bit and saw Aaron sound asleep. I blushed as I remember what happened last night, it was wonderful. I quietly snuck from his grasp and put on my white sundress. I walked out of our room and didn't see Solaris, I peaked in her room and saw she wasn't there. I shrugged and walked outside letting the cool air hit my wings which I made regular size again. I walked out back to the pond and and sat on the small bench admiring the view.

"What a lovely view" said a voice, I turned and saw Solaris landing from a flight, I smiled as she came to sit with me.

"It is, thank you again for bringing me out here i don't feel as stressed" I said, she smiled.

"I'm happy to help m'lady, sooo how did you sleep" she asked with a smirk, I blushed realizing that we were very loud.

"O-oh I slept alright how about you?" I asked, rubbing my arm. She giggled a bit.

"I slept great after you to left the house" she said, I blushed more and covered my face causing her to laugh.

"I'm sorry I had to tease" she said, I huffed.

"I'm serious though I hope you slept ok" she said, I smiled and nodded.

"I slept wonderfully" I said, she smiled and stood up holding a hand out for me.

"Come on let's go fly a bit and then I'll make us some tea" she said, I smiled and spread my wings and pushed off high into the sky. Solaris smiled and flew after me, I smiled as the air hit my face. I felt free it was wonderful! I spun in the air causing Solaris to laugh a bit.

"You look like your having so much fun Aphmau!" She said, I nodded and dove down by some water which she followed. I flew close so I could scoop some up with my hands and shot back up into the sky, throwing the water above my head feeling it fall into my. I laughed a bit and let myself fall a bit from the sky then catch myself before I hit the ground.

"Ok Aph we should get back before Aaron freaks out about where you are" she said, I nodded and we raced back to the cabin. As we got back I saw Aaron running from inside the woods to us and stopped as he saw me. He smiled.

"There you are I was wondering where you guys went" he said, I giggled a bit and closed my wings. He took my hand and kissed it softly making me blush.

"We went for a fly Aaron lady Aphmau needed it, she had so much fun" Solaris said, he looked at me and I nodded with a big smile. He chuckled and hugged me.

"I'm glad you had fun flying Aph" he said, I giggled a bit and we went inside so Solaris could make tea. I sighed and sat at the table with a big smile.

"It's so wonderful to be out here I feel free, being away from the village, being able to have my wings out" I said, Solaris smiled and handed me a cup of tea.

"I'm glad your enjoying yourself Aphmau, I hope you feel less stressed" she said, I nodded and held Aaron's a hand with my free one as I drank.

"I really do, it makes me think about my life though" I said looked down at my cup, Aaron gripped my hand.

"It's nothing bad, it's just my whole life I've been around people who don't know a thing about me and then I came to Phoenix Drop and became the lord thinking those closest to me knew so much about me. But then I came to realize that they are just like everyone else, they know nothing" I said softly, Solaris came over and touched my shoulder.

"I'm sorry you feel this way Aph" she said calmly, I shook my head holding back tears.

"What you said to me when you came really stuck with me Solaris, that something is coming and that I must be prepared to make that choice to leave or fight those i hold dear" I said, she nodded and placed a hand on my back.

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