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(Aphmau POV)

As I sat in my room on my bed thinking about my horrible past I was shot from my thoughts by Garroth, Laurance, Dante, and Travis busted into my room look confused and serious. I quickly stood up confused at why the hadn't knocked cocking my head to the side in confusion.

"Lord Aphmau we want answers NOW!!!" said Laurance as he yelled the word now, for some reason I flinched as he yelled.

"What is going on here and what are you talking about?" I said like I had no idea but I knew exactly what they were talking about. The Hybrid and my eyes.

"Lady Aphmau you know exactly what we want to know, why did your eyes turn all black, and why wont you tell us if you are hiding something, because we know you are hiding something and I'm going to guess it has something to do with you eyes!!" Garroth said like he knew something. OH SHOT DID HE FIND OUT OH NO OH NO OH NO calm down Aphmau breath.

"My eyes never turn all black Garroth and how do you not know if Laurance is lying or is going crazy??!" I said in a lie then made it funny. I don't think it worked.

"REALLY APHMAU!!! I'm not crazy I know your lying to us so you know what's up so tell us why did that happen please tell us were worried about you." Laurance yelled at first, again I flinched but I know they wont give up until they find out.

" I-I-I have to go but ill give you a hint if you found out you would think I'm a monster like they all do." I said as I broke the glass of my window and jumped from roof to roof until I was out of site in the woods by a large cliff and I sat there for 3 hours.

(Garroth POV)


   "LAURANCE WE HAVE TO GO AFTER HER, HER HAND MAY BE HURT!!!!" I yelled at Laurance they all had blank stares as they looked at me.

" I know Garroth just calm down lets figure out this clue first ok so if we found out what she was we would think she is a monster like they all do hmmmm??" he said stumped "Weeeell I've got nothing what about you guys?" he said again but giving up this time.

"WHAT!! wow you really gave up that fast Laurance!! but I got nothing either" I said wow I feel dumb for not thinking for my love.

"How about we just go through her room after all we are here aren't we?" Dante said even though its invasion of privacy but anyway.

"DANTE. YOUR. A........ GENIOUS!!!!!!!!!!" Travis screamed and I think he woke up Levin oh no

"Ok ok calm down we need to keep quiet so we don't wake Levin and so Zoey wont kill us for barging into lady Aphmau's room without permission but it is a good idea Dante." I said I cant believe I just agreed to snoop through Aphmau's room how unresent I feel like Zane that's bad.

We all then started  searching lady Aphmau's room for clues to her secret she wont tell us about. After searching for about an hour we all gathered in the center of the room with what looked like a few things each but I think I got the best thing out of all of us. A letter to Aphmau from someone named Jin hmmm I wonder who Jin is??

CLIFHANGER!!!! lol the next chapter should be out  soon so get ready for things to get crazy with the guys and Aphmau what will happen next you'll see and find out soon thank you luv u all bye 

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