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(Jin POV)

"Are you ready?" I asked seriously, Adam nodded and sat on the bed.

"Yes Jin I'm ready, i wanna be just like you guys" he said and was ready for how much pain he would be in. I nodded.

"Ok Ross, Barney strap his down" i said, the 2 guys nodded and did as told, Ross strapped down his arms and chest, while Barney strapped his legs and feet down as well. They then stood back and knew that this was going to be painful, I pulled out my hybrid tomb, it was a large leather book covered in symbols pressed into the leather and embellished with 7 different colored stones, it had a curved lock that was an off copper color because it was so old. I flipped through it till I found the spell to change a human into a hybrid of any kind. I skimmed the page then turned to Ross and Barney.

"Barney get me 3 dragons claws, a ravens feather, 6 diamond shards, a rabbits foot, and a glass of rain water" I said to him he nodded and was off, I then looked at Ross.

"Ross you need to retrieve Aphmau wether of her own will of not, I'll handle the last step" I said, he nodded and ran out of the house, I read through the book.

"Jin" Adam said to me from the bed, I looked at him.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Why do you need Aph? And what's the last step?" He asked, I was hesitant but I sighed.

"The last step is to mix everything together with my blood and the blood of the queen of winged hybrids or any royal hybrid of any type" I said, he nodded.

"So what kind of hybrid is Aph?" He asked.

"She's the queen of wings" I said, his eyes widened.

"But how wouldn't you be the king and her just a princess?" He asked, I shook my head.

"I can't be king because of my wings" I said and released them, the brightness almost blinding Adam.

"What about them they are beautiful?" He said, I chuckled.

"Thanks but you see I'm not the only one with white wings, my mother and my father had them there for I couldn't become king" I said, he looked at me weird.

"So wait wouldn't that mean Aph also has white wings?" He asked, I shook my head.

"No she is the only winged hybrid to have black wings" I said, he was in awe.

"Really?" He asked, I nodded.

"Yes which is why she is queen because she is the only one" I said, he nodded.

(Ross POV)

I ran as fast as I could from the house the get Aphmau, as I ran I made it to the gate and saw a guard on the top.

"Hey can you open the gate I need to see Aphmau!" I yelled up, the guy looked down to me then opened the gate, I waved and ran in to her house, people looked at me as I ran but I didn't care I needed Aphmau. Once I made it to her house I walked in, there I saw an elf girl sitting at the table, she was very pretty.

"Hello how may I help you?" She asked, I inhaled.

"I need to talk to Aphmau please" I said, she stood up.

"She's upstairs but please be quiet as she is in recovery and Levin is sleeping"  she said, I nodded and ran up the stairs, as I reached her door I heard giggling. I then opened it and she fell off the bed, as Garroth was falling off on her.

"R-Ross what are you doing in here?" She asked blushing deeply.

"Jin asked me to come get you he needs you for um......" I started but didn't finish because of Garroth, she looked at me confused.

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