Time away pt. 1

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(Aphmau POV)(bit of romance)

My eyes fluttered open to see a dark ceiling, I turned my head and saw Aaron sleeping sweetly. I smiled and softly pet his head which causing his tail to wag a bit, just then his eyes slowly started to open and he blushed when he saw me.

"M-morning Aph sorry I thought I was dreaming" he said, I smiled.

"It's ok you looked so peaceful I'm sorry to wake you" I said, he shook his head and buried his head into my neck and hair causing me to squeak. He grumbled a bit to signify he enjoyed being where he was, I giggled and held him as he nuzzled in. I tried my hardest not to moan at his touch. But I failed, I blushed deeply and softly moaned in his ear. He chuckled a bit and started to kiss.

"A-Aaron we need to get up" I moaned, he shook his head and soon I was pushed down and he was on top of me kissing my neck more. I kept moaning as he teasing my neck with small licks and nibbled, then suddenly the door opened. I blushed as looked at Solaris who was standing there with a neutral face.

"Aaron get off lady Aphmau we need to finish getting ready to go" she said, he looked up and huffed as he got off and helped me up.

"Sorry I got a bit carried away" he said, I giggled a bit and kissed his cheek.

"It's ok Aaron but lady Aphmau please come with me so we can get you ready and get some clothes for you" she said, I nodded and left Aaron to pack his stuff. We walked up to my room where Zoey was waiting. She pulled out a small back so I could put some clothes in it, but first I got dressed I put on a long brown and white dress that's tied in the front as well as some brown flats. Then we started going through my dresser, Zoey picked out a long white sundress, Solaris got out a cute deep teal jumper with pink flowers all over it, and I got out a short white dress with sleeves that had a belt with blue leggings. Zoey put everything in my bag and handed it to me with a small smile.

"We will miss you lady Aphmau, please relax and calm your mind" she said, I nodded and we soon headed out. We walked down through the village until we made it to the gates where Dante, Garroth and Laurence were waiting for us. I smiled at them sweetly.

"Have a safe trip lady Aphmau just relax everything will be ok" Dante reassured me, I nodded and hugged him. Laurence came over and hugged me.

"I still don't trust them lady Aphmau but I trust your judgement I hope you have a relaxing trip" he said, I nodded and soon Garroth came over I was still hesitant to speak to him after my dream but I smiled at him so he wouldn't worry.

"I hope everything is ok m'lady please if you need anything let me know and I will assist in anyway, please relax and enjoy your time away" he said taking my hand to kiss it, I smiled and he stepped back as Dante opened the gate and we headed out. We went east of the village through the forest, it didn't take us long only about 2 hours until we made it to the cabin Solaris was talking about. It was beautiful, with a waterfall into a pond in the back, a swinging chair on the front porch and a small bench by the pond. I smiled as we walked up to the house.

"This place is beautiful" I said, Solaris nodded with a smile.

"Thank you lady Aphmau I've been to this place many times before I was in the nether" she said, I nodded and she opened the door. It was very cozy, a fireplace and 3 doors. One was the bathroom and the other 2 were bedrooms.

"Looks like you and I are sharing a room eh Aaron?" Solaris asked, his ears dropped and he looked at me.

"You can share with me if you want Aaron" I said patting his head, he smiled.

"Very well, I will take the smaller room and you can have the master room Aphmau" she said, I nodded as she disappeared into her room. Aaron then opens the door to our room and I walked in with him right behind me, it was simple but still wonderful. I set my bag on the dresser and went to lay on the bed, Aaron came to lay with me. He touched my cheek and smiled sweetly at me.

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