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(Aphmau POV)

My eyes shot open and I realized I was at home on my couch, I sat up and looked around. Zoey was in the kitchen making tea, I got up off the couch and walked into the kitchen. She turned around and smiled at me.

"Good evening lady Aphmau" she said sweetly, I sat at the table and rubbed my head.

"Hi Zoey, how long was I out for?" I asked, she poured me a cup of tea and sat at the table.

"I believe a couple hours, Ross brought you back" she said, my eyes widened, that's right Jin forced me to help turn Adam, I clenched my fists and stood up as my eyes turned a fiery red.

"I need to go see Jin" I said, Zoey stood up and shook her head as she set a hand on my shoulder.

"Calm down lady Aphmau I can't let you leave the village, I'm sorry" she said, my eyes turned back and I looked at her confused.

"What do you mean Zoey?" I asked, she sat across from me again.

"Jin asked of me to keep you here till Adams transformation was complete, I'm sorry m'lady but I can't let you leave" she said.

"I'm the lord, you can't stop me from leaving Zoey" I said as I stood up, I walked to the door and saw Dante guarding the door.

"Dante what are you doing here?" I asked, he looked at me with a smile.

"I told all the guards not to let you leave for 2 days and to watch you" Zoey said as she came up behind me.

"But Zoey you can't do this" I said.

"I'm sorry m'lady but I had to I owed Jin" she said, I sighed and walked up to my room. I couldn't believe Jin would do this and get Zoey involved with our problems, I sighed and sat on my bed. I didn't no what to do now, I looked out the window and it was dark, so I laid back and fell asleep softly.


I rolled over in my bed to the sound of fire, I slowly opened my eyes and say I wasn't home in my bed, I was laying in a large Queen sized red bed, I sat up and saw I was wearing something different to. I had on a red and black long flowing sleeve top with some black knee pants and red leggings underneath to my ankles and some black flats. I looked like a guard from hell, I then stood up and walked forward but then hit something. I then saw I was in a large dark cage, I held the bars and felt that they were warm, probably from all the fire. Just then a man in a red outfit came up to the cage though I couldn't see his face (same guy from Jin's Dream).

"Welcome m'lady" he said in a deep voice, I didn't no what to say.

"Where am I? And why am I in a cage?" I asked, the man chuckled.

"You know where you are dear child" he said as he slipped his hand through the bars and caressed my cheek. His hand was rough but he grazed my cheek ever so slightly.

"I do not know why you are in a cage but I am afraid I have no way to let you out" he said with a small smile, I sighed.

"Well then can you tell me who you are?" I asked, he smiled more.

"You already know who I am, I saw your brother last night" he said, I was so confused.

"Jin?" I said confused, the man nodded.

"Yes he is your only brother after all" he said, putting his hands behind his back.

"Who are you to Jin?" I asked.

"I am to Jin as I am to you, Aphmau" he said, I stood back a little.

"I never told you my name how did you?" I started.

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