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(Aphmau POV)

It was nightfall on the 3rd day of waiting for the king to attack, everyone waited at the gates though Garroth and Laurence kept telling me to go home to rest but I couldn't, not now. I did go home to change, I put on a black suit with purple assents, white gloves and a purple hood. I kept the hood down for now as I stood on top of the gates staring out into the woods, suddenly I spot a light. It was a torch, I turned and called out.

"Everyone! They have arrived!" I yelled, people sprang from what they were doing and civilians ran to my house to hid in the basement as told to do. Jin and Aaron stood next to me, Jin holding a bow and Aaron growling ready to fight. The men stopped at the gate and the king got off his horse and looked up at me.

"Is this really how this will be?" I asked, he scoffed which I grit my teeth.

"Admit you are allied with Zane and this doesn't have to happen I will cut all ties to you and your village, you will not be allowed to enter Scaleswind" he said, I wanted to laugh.

"I'll never admit to something ridiculous and false as that!" I said, he sighed furrowing his brow.

"Very well then, BLOW UP THE GATE!" He yelled, his men yelled as they loaded cannons and his magic users tried using magic to break the wall. I got down off the wall and readied for battle, Zoey and Lucinda were holding the barrier as best as they could while Laurence, Dale and Jin shot at the kings men. They tried firing their cannons but they would just hit the barrier, I chuckled through the gate watching them struggle.

"Lady Aphmau the barrier is going to hold much longer!!" Zoey yelled, I nodded.

"Everyone off the wall!" I yelled, Garroth nodded down to me and so they all came down the ladder as the barrier fell. We all got ready as another ball came flying at the wall and it finally broke open like an egg. Soon men started flooding through ready with swords, we started to attack. Swords clashing, men screaming, people falling. The onslaught didn't stop but we were all prepared to die, just then men started throwing torches causing a fire to start. I stabbed the soldier I was fighting, as he dropped the king stood behind him with his sword ready to fight. He ran at me for being an old man he was fast, our swords hit together hard causing sparks.

"You are a fool for not accepting my offer! A women like you should never be in power!" He yelled, I growled and threw him back with my sword. He fell with a thud but before I could do anything after more people started coming through the gates surrounding everyone. I looked around confused as these men didn't look like the kings guards but shadow knights?? And they all looked different, some human but other were hybrids.

"Well what seems to be going on here?" The tall man asked, I was so confused. He looked so familiar with his semi long shaggy hair with a small bit of stubble. He wore a white dress shirt with a black vest and matching pants with some buckles on the side and some chains and such attached to his vest. But what caught my eye were his big beautiful white wings, he looked at me and smiled.

"It's so good to finally see you my son and daughter" he said, I looked at Jin shocked. He didn't understand, we both looked back at the man.

"Who are you?" I asked, his face turned to a frown.

"I'm your father my children, I have been coming to you in your dreams as of late" he said, tears started to form in my eyes.

"T-tell me what was I doing before this war?" I asked, he chuckled a bit.

"You we're at the cabin with your friend Aaron and Solaris" he said which was correct, I looked at Solaris who came to me and nodded then bowed to the man.

"Lord Samael if correct lady Aphmau" she said, the man claiming to be my father smiled and I could see tears forming.

"Come to me my sweet pea I've missed you so much" he said, I smiled and ran to him embracing his as tight as I could. He looked up and opened his arms out to Jin who happily came to us and cried as well. Soon we let go but bedsore anyone could say anything I felt a sharp pain in my back, I turned and saw the king of Scaleswind with his sword in my back.

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