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Can's body felt so heavy

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Can's body felt so heavy. When he got out of Tin's apartment, he hurried to go somewhere he didn't know. 

The guards probably looked at him weirdly because of his appearance. They didn't say anything, though.

When he got out of the building, he noticed that it was already morning. He decided to take a cab but did not head home. He was too scared, at loss for what to do.

He still got a class to attend but he doesn't want to go to school. His Ma would probably scold him by now.

He decided to go to a playground where he and Ley used to play when they were younger. Not really wanting to think. He had a knack for not thinking. He was a complete moron.

However, the pain he was now feeling reminded him of what had happened.

How that monster ruined him. He couldn't even say his name already. He was too disgusted.

He sat at a swing. Ignoring the pain he felt in his bottom. He looked at the sky. It was a rich shade of blue. All seemed to be in such a peaceful state, as if nothing unpleasant could happen.

He felt a tear flowing down his cheek.

Inside of him, there was a storm brewing.

No, he should not be thinking. He hid his face behind his hands and closed his eyes. Then he felt a breeze brushed against his cheek, as if to soothe him. He lowered his head and examined his body. There were bruises from that monster's grip. His wrists. They were hurting. Everything in him was hurting.

But more than the physical pain he was feeling right now was the emotional turmoil going on inside him.

He felt so naked.

He began scratching the backs of his hands. Trying to get rid of the sensation of Tin's hand on his skin. He wanted to peel off his skin.

He was in tears.

If anybody ever saw him, they'd probably think he was crazy.

He certainly was.

He was losing his mind.


He doesn't know. He never knew anything.


It was past 9:00 when Can decided to go home. Ley was already in school and his mother looked furious.

His heart was pounding when he entered their house. He wasn't sure whether he'd tell his mother about what had happened. He does not want his Ma to be worried about him.

His Ma greeted him by smacking him across the back with the broomstick she was holding.

"Where did you go, you little monkey? Ha!? Don't you know how worried I was when I found out you're not in your room?"

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