Another TinCan story you might not want to read. This story starts with the scene where Can rejected Tin. Then it'll jump to a few years later with their lives apart. Don't know where this is headed but that's the gist of the plot.
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Can took a shower first before quietly settling on their bed, not wanting to make sounds to wake Ley. He stared hard at the ceiling like a head would pop out of it.
His mind was blank.
The silence of the night creeping through his thoughts.
He shifted to his side to face Ley, then absentmindedly smiled as he tucked some strands of hair that fell on her face. The sound of Ley's steady breathes calmed him.
There was just something in kids that made Can's heart flutter. Maybe because they reminded him of his younger years, of his innocence.
Five years had passed by in the blink of an eye. Can thought about how fast the world had changed. It felt like it was just yesterday when he was still happily clinging on his P'No to beg for free food.
He recalled fighting with his sister over the largest portion of meat, only to be told by his Ma that he should give it to his sister because he was older. His sister would stick her tongue out for him as he whined. And now, he already had a family to look after at. His angel.
He missed them.
P'No, P'Type, Ai'Good, Ai'Ae, Ai'Pete, Ai'-
Can shifted to face the ceiling again. Cutting his thoughts right before he started to feel melancholic.
Everything had changed. Life changed him. Them.
Gone was the hyperactive albino monkey on the football field. The one that appeared to be completely oblivious to everything. The one who spent the whole day thinking about food. It felt nostalgic now that he thought about it.
The Can now was more mature. He had no choice. Life compelled him to do so. Even he himself was amazed by how much he had improved. He could now confidently proclaim that he was using his brain.
Although Can still tried his best not to think that much. Thinking consumed most of his energy, and he doesn't want that. What he needed to do was to work, work, work.
Especially now that Ley would start schooling next school year. He had savings. He had been saving for Ley. But it was still not enough. Especially for emergency uses. He couldn't afford to spend much on medical expenses or anything related. That was why he was trying his best to avoid accidents or violence.
His thoughts were drawn back to what had happened earlier. He got fired.
As he placed his hands behind the back of his head and used it as a cushion, he let out a massive sigh. He looked at the ceiling even more intently, as if it could provide a solution to his problems.
He wished it was easier. He wished life was easier.
But every time he thought of Ley, everything seemed to fall right in their exact places. Ley was his lifeline.