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Maybe it was a dumb idea to let Tin be a slave

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Maybe it was a dumb idea to let Tin be a slave. It had only been a day since the man became Can's slave and he already felt too tired and hopeless. It was like he was teaching a kid to walk. Tin was totally clueless about any household chores at all.

And he doesn't understand how come Tin had the guts to be so full of himself when he couldn't even wash the dishes properly.

But on the other hand, Tin was able to finish doing the laundry.

It was a mystery to him how Tin knew how to do the laundry but not wash the dishes. Washing the dishes was way easier than doing the laundry.

"Pa, why did Uncle Tin wash our clothes? Are they poor now that he had to work for us? But aren't we poor also?" Ley curiously asked with a pout. They were already on the bed, getting ready to sleep.

"Because that's his punishment for being a bad guy," he simply explained as he combed Ley's hair.

"What did he do to you?"

"He made my cry, remember?"

Ley nodded her head and turned to him. "He said sorry already, right?"

"Yes. But a simple sorry is not enough to make me forgive him. Sometimes people do something very bad to you, and those people sometimes deserve to go to jail."

"What's a jail?"

"It's a place where the bad guys go when the police arrest them. They live there to pay for their mistakes."

"Will Uncle Tin go to jail?"

Ley's question made him stop his hand midair. He put the comb to the bedside table first before he answered her. "He should have been. But our situation's different. It will be better for all of us if we just make things right and forget about the past. Some people deserve some second chances if they were truly sorry. We will see if he deserves a second chance too."

"I hope that you forgive Uncle Tin soon. He told me that he's really sorry. And I heard him say sorry to you even if you were asleep earlier on the couch. He looks so sad when I saw him earlier."

Hearing those things totally caught him off guard. He didn't know that Tin had been staring at him when he was asleep. And it should have had scared him because of the possibilities of what the man might have done to him when he was still unconscious, but he did not feel any kind of fear at all. Maybe it was because he already heard his side and even if he admitted it or not, a part of him hoped that Tin was saying the truth when he said that he wouldn't have done that horrendous thing to him if he was on his right mind. It was also one of the reasons why he decided to ask for his help in overcoming his trauma.

"Do you want me to read you a bedtime story already?" he asked instead as he reached for the book on the bedside table.

"I didn't ask you before, but is it okay if I'm still calling Uncle Tin as Uncle?"

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