Another TinCan story you might not want to read. This story starts with the scene where Can rejected Tin. Then it'll jump to a few years later with their lives apart. Don't know where this is headed but that's the gist of the plot.
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Dawn appeared brightly and without the decency of prior warning through the floor-to-ceiling windows, that for the records, Can had recalled having a heavily matte velvet curtain, but for whatever reason was now gone or maybe slid to the side, he doesn't know, and wouldn't have had cared had it not been bothering him. He grunted at the harshness of the sunlight hitting his bare skin, attempting to find escape beneath the closest pillow. Minutes dragged by, and then hours. Still no luck. A huff forced itself from his lazy lips as he glared at the sunlight with a stubborn vengeance.
"Fine," he said to the seemingly lively daybreak, "I'll get up and shut the curtain myself."
Slapping the feather comforter off of his frail body, he stomped as heavily as his weight would allow from the bed all the way to the window and forced the sunlight from the room. He slugged back to the side of the room from which he came and just barely managed to drag himself back up on top of the mattress when he felt something strange in his body.
He was hurting. His legs were sore, his back, his hands, and especially that part that could not be seen. Strange as it was, he doesn't seem to complain and was rather feeling like he was floating.
His eyes instantly grew wide at the realization of what happened last night. With cheeks tinting crimson red in an instant, he forced his head to roam around the room in search of the culprit of his aching body but found no one.
A frown was just about to form on his face when the scent of a newly cooked pancake, bacon, and eggs permeated his nostrils, eliciting a hungry growl from his stomach instead. Scrunching up his nose to take in more of the impeccable scent, he closed his eyes with great delight, as if that would make him rather full. The opposite happened as his stomach continued to protest its objection.
Soon after, the scent came closer and closer as Can's rumbling stomach growl louder and louder. Striding through the door was a glowing, grinning Tin with a tray of food and a cup of orange juice in his hands. Tin put the tray down the bed and crawled to place a kiss on his forehead.
"Your breakfast," Tin said as he sat down, eyes solely focused on him.
Can's heart fluttered and jumped inside his chest. What a great way to start the day, he thought.
"Thanks," Can replied as he pulled the tray to his lap and started to chow down the foods, moaning occasionally at the sweetness of the pancake. He suddenly remembered Ley, and wondered what she ate for her breakfast.
"Are you still hurting?"
Of all times, Tin decided to ask him about that, he chose to ask when he was shoving the juice down his throat. Feeling like his throat closed, he coughed and choked. Tin quickly rose on his seat and ran to his back to pat him.
"Are you okay?" Tin's voice tinged with worry as his hand gently rubbed his back.
Once Can's daze was somewhat manageable, he yanked Tin's hand away from the proximity of his body, and threw a glare at him.