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The noise of the outside world could not be heard inside the four walls of his new office. It was a soothing silence. Peaceful. It felt so right.

The only thing that could be heard was the sound of his breathes and the sound of the pages being turned. He was reading a document, skimming it, before he wrote his signature in it.

It was a typical workday for Tin. He was sitting on his swivel chair, looking through some papers with charts and numbers. His suit coat clung behind the back of his seat while his tie hung loose on his neck, the first two top buttons of his shirt unbuttoned. There was a pile of folders on the right side of his desk, those were the papers that he checked and signed already, his phone was turned down on the left side of his desk. The sun shone through the window. The outside world was very busy also with cars and people below looking like ants when viewed from above his office.

When he was finally done checking all the papers, he let out an exasperated sigh and tiredly leaned back on his seat. He let his head rest on the top of the seat and tightly closed his eyes, feeling the stinging pain in his head, he massaged the space between his brows.

This was a usual occurrence inside his office now, he had been using this room for a week already. And he was already used to doing these things for the past two years after he finished his degree. He was so used to it that it was tiring the hell out of him. He felt like he had been repeating this cycle for all his life.

And right now, all he wanted was to rest and leave this suffocating four-walled room. The heat he was feeling currently, even with the blasting air-conditioning, was just adding to the growing reasons why he would want to go back to Germany, as his thoughts wandered back to his experiences during the past five years of his life.

He lived a pretty normal life in Germany with Pete. But he was left alone there when Pete decided to go back here in Thailand soon after they graduated while he stayed in Germany for another two years, though he occasionally traveled to other countries for business meetings and anything related to work.

He never came back to Thailand between those years. He could go anywhere he wanted, any other country, just not his own, he did his best to stay away as far as possible from home. All excuses he could think of, just to never look back at his own country. He never really wanted to go back to Thailand but some unfortunate things happened that led him here, his father's health started to deteriorate and he was forced to take over the family company because his brother refused to.

A lot of things happened during his stay in Germany. His brother never bothered to pull some sick trick to ruin his life again while he was still studying after his brother got divorced from his wife. He left Tin alone. Maybe the asshole got tired of trying to ruin his already ruined life. And he was now living with his son, Phu, and his now husband, Hin, in France.

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