Another TinCan story you might not want to read. This story starts with the scene where Can rejected Tin. Then it'll jump to a few years later with their lives apart. Don't know where this is headed but that's the gist of the plot.
"Do you like...
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"Grace!" Tin called his secretary in a loud voice through the intercom in his office. His secretary's table was outside his office, so he needed to call her through the intercom when he needed something.
Not long after, the door to his office opened and his secretary entered. She looked like she was somewhat constipated, almost stumbling as she walked towards Tin's desk. He did not hide the annoyed look on his face. He wanted her to know that he was going to throw a fit of rage on her any time soon.
"Y-yes, sir?" she nervously asked as soon as she reached Tin's desk.
"Where is the presentation I needed for my meeting? Didn't I tell you to put it on my desk this morning?" he asked annoyed, his angry eyes glaring at his secretary's nervous ones. He saw his secretary flinched and trembled slightly. He'd been trying his best not to shout at his secretary the moment she stepped into his office. Two of the things Tin hated the most in his corporate life was when he came in a meeting unprepared and when he encountered employees that were irresponsible, like his secretary right now.
He massaged the space between his brows before he continued, "Am I not paying you enough that you can't do that very simple task I gave you ahead of time?" he sighed, shouting wouldn't do him any good, he needed to calm down, "Now, go get the damn presentation and bring it here to me before I fire you," he gritted his teeth as he told his secretary.
But Grace just stood there, her hands fidgeting. "I h-haven't finished the p-presentation yet, Sir," she muttered, not looking directly in Tin's eyes.
With that, Tin lost his patience, and he loudly smashed his hand on his desk that startled his secretary. "What? You're telling me that you didn't finish the presentation I gave you four days ago? Are you that dumb to not finish a simple task that was given to you ahead of time? Four days, I gave you that task four fucking days ago!" he shouted, and he could clearly see the fear in his secretary's eyes. That was good, she should know how much she annoyed him with her mere existence at his company. How did she pass the interviews?
He needed that presentation right now for his meeting that was happening later at 9:00, and it was already 7:45. He even went to his office early today because he had lots of meetings to prepare for and attend to. His schedule was packed for the whole day. And he couldn't make the presentation right now because he was also making another one for another meeting later at lunch.
He closed his eyes and exhaled deeply. He should not let these things get on his nerves.
"W-with all due respect, Sir. Y-you gave that task to me just yesterday and told me that it was due tomorrow so I'm still working on it now," she explained.
Tin froze for a second and darted glares at his secretary. Sudden realization hit him, it was the marketing head he asked to make that presentation he needed right now, not his secretary. It was a different presentation that he gave to his secretary. His mind was a total mess now. With all the paperwork and meetings he needed to attend to, it all got messed up in his head already.