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A/N: I feel like I've been very productive

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A/N: I feel like I've been very productive. Only a month had passed and I was already able to write twenty-eight chapters. I can't believe I already wrote this much, it feels nostalgic HAHAHA. THANK YOU FOR READING THIS STORY. 🖤


Three times Can ignored his gut feelings and it all led to a fallout. First, when he ignored it and ended up that night in Tin's old apartment. Second, when he ignored it and didn't mind the loud screams of his sister. And third, when he ignored it again and accepted the job his boss had offered.

Gut feelings.

His gut feelings had always been right all these times, but being the stupid guy that he was, he just shoved it all away.

But right at that moment, he was ready to listen to his gut feeling.

Maybe it was the best for all of them.

Closure. That was what they all needed.

He was woken up from his sleep when he heard his phone rang non-stop. It was a call from his boss. When he answered it, his boss immediately asked him if Tin was with him, pulling him out of his sleepiness and instantly alerted. He said that Tin was with him.

"Can, I- I'm sorry. I didn't know that Tin did that thing to you. I didn't know, believe me. If I have known from the start, I wouldn't have had pushed you to him. I'm sorry, I really am. I can't believe Tin did that. It's just impossible. But he confessed to me, and Pete and Ae accidentally heard it too. Ae was furious and punched Tin mercilessly but Tin did not fight back. And then he said that he wanted to see you and talk to you. I'm sorry I wasn't able to stop him."

He remembered what his boss had said in their phone call. Her voice trembling like she was crying and totally dumbstruck at what she just found out.

The tiniest part of his heart felt a slight pinch when he heard that Ae had beaten Tin, hence the pitiful look of the man when he showed up last night, but he pushed it aside. He shouldn't feel any sympathy for the man who assaulted him, he deserved it anyway, and he deserved more than just the punches, he deserved to suffer just like him.

But as he thought harder about it, was that what he really wanted?

Or was he becoming a monster also?

He had valid reasons to feel that way for his perpetrator.

But he was on another crossroad again. A part of him wanted to close that chapter of his life. But another part of him was afraid to read the remaining parts of that chapter that he hadn't read yet, it was Tin's part, afraid to see the other side of the coin.

When he decided to finally get out of his bed, he walked to his drawer and grabbed the paper bag hidden in there. His hands were trembling at the thought of the thing inside that paper bag, he had tried his best not to dart a single glance at it for the last five years, but right now was the right time to discard it. He also took a set of Paul's clothes for Tin to wear because his clothes were too small for him.

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