Another TinCan story you might not want to read. This story starts with the scene where Can rejected Tin. Then it'll jump to a few years later with their lives apart. Don't know where this is headed but that's the gist of the plot.
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Explicit Content: Sex/Lovemaking
"Men are shits!" Carla's loud voice reverberated across Paul's condo.
They were now slouched on the carpeted floor with their backs against the sofa and cans of beer strewn around the small short-legged table in front of them.
Paul doesn't know how things escalated that way, but he swore he wouldn't ever want to be with a drunk Carla in his life again. She was so unbelievably wasted that she caused mayhem inside the bar when a woman accidentally bumped her shoulder while dancing. And he wouldn't have had cared if she hadn't walked up to him on the stool he was sitting on and whined at him like a kid. In the end, the bouncers had to kick her out of the bar, and unfortunately, he also got included.
But it didn't end there easily, because Carla unceremoniously hopped in his car like she owned it, and demanded to let her go with him because she doesn't want to go home yet.
They had a long squabble before he drove back to his condo, defeated because Carla wouldn't budge.
With a deep sigh, he ignored her and took a gulp of his beer. He should've thrown her out of his car a long time ago. What was it about her and her abilities to get him to do what she wanted? Or, more to the point, why does he always do as she said?
"You know, you're all a piece of shit who doesn't know how to be contented!" Carla continued her rant while poking his temple with her index finger. He simply moved his face away from her without a word.
"Did I ask for too much? Or was I not enough? Why does he have to ask me that?"
Apparently, Carla was ranting over her ex, Kevin, who she broke up with because he had asked her to make their relationship public. How did he figure it out? Because Carla had been venting out to him for hours already.
He just wanted to get drunk in silence but it seemed like the world had other plans for him.
"It's because you're ugly, and stop making a hasty generalization, okay? Not all men are the same," he answered when he got too irritated listening to her dramas.
"Well, you're even uglier, Mr. Grumpy Paul who got friend-zoned by Can. At the very least, I'm heartbroken because I had a boyfriend, as opposed to you, who was heartbroken without even being in a relationship!" Carla retorted arrogantly, as she often does. This is why he no longer wanted to be around girls; they were too loud.
Can was also a loudmouth, but he wasn't easily irritated by him because he had grown accustomed to it. Carla, on the other hand, was a completely different story. For some unknown reason, he always got irritated with her without her doing anything. Not to mention that she always purposely does something he could be irritated with. It was like she was meant to irritate him every chance she got.
"Whatever. Can you just go home already so I can drink here peacefully?" he demanded in a low growl.
However, minutes had passed and Carla had still not responded to him. Instead, he heard a barely audible sniff. He glanced over his shoulder, curious, and saw Carla sobbing in her place. Her tears streamed down her cheeks in a continuous trickle.