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"We went to the playground today and played with Ian!" A cute voice was heard in the silence of the night followed by a laugh

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"We went to the playground today and played with Ian!" A cute voice was heard in the silence of the night followed by a laugh.

They just finished their night bathroom routine and were now heading to their room.

"I know," Can replied while carrying Ley with him.

Ley frowned and looked at him with a big question mark above her head, thinking really hard about how her Pa knew that they went to the playground earlier.

"How did you know?" she asked as Can put her on the bed. She sat there while her Pa combed her hair.

Can placed the comb on the bedside table first before surprising Ley with tickles.

"Because I have superpowers!" Ley shrieked and tried her best to avoid her Pa, screaming while giggling. Trying to tickle her Pa too but her hands were too short.

When Can had enough already, he decided to stop tickling Ley and waited until Ley was already breathing back properly before he slid her under the covers.

"Do you really have a superpower? Can you show me your powers?" she asked excitedly. Her eyes wide like she was so enchanted about what her Pa had said.

Can just chuckled and kissed Ley's forehead like he usually does when they were about to sleep.

"I can't show you. It's a secret." He went to his side of the bed and slid under the covers too.

Ley's shoulders suddenly dropped as though she was very much disappointed that her Pa wouldn't show her his power.

"I'll keep my mouth shut. I won't tell anyone, I promise." She lifted her right hand midair as if making a promise sign then covered her mouth using her left hand as if to prove that she would keep his secret. She shook her head while keeping her hand midair. Can could almost picture the pout she had behind her hand.

"I was just joking, sweetie. Prince's mom sent me a photo of you and your friends at the playground earlier."

Ley looked like someone popped her bubble. She removed her hand from her mouth and lowered her other hand, sulking. Can just laughed at her. Cute.

"Stop sulking anymore, sweetie," he wooed and hugged Ley tightly. The girl was struggling at first but then hugged him back later on. They stayed like that for a while.

"What did you do at the playground?" Can asked to make it up to Ley. He knew how much she loved it when he asked her about how her day goes with her friends, he was sure that she would soften to him in no time.

And he was right. Ley's mood suddenly lightened up and her eyes gleamed with excitement.

"We played with Ian's toys. We're all friends now, me, Prince, and Ian. Ian let us borrow his toys and color. Then I drew, Pa. And then we sell my drawing so we could buy ice cream because Prince's mom won't give us some money. I told them what you told me, that we should work so that we'll have money and be able to buy what we want." Her mouth was working at it again, like a word-vomiting machine. Can nodded his head once in a while as he listened to Ley's narrative, not interrupting her.

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