A1S2: Unexpected Response

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Act 1: Scene 2__
Thank you for taking the time to read my novel!
Night owl gang🦉

Act 1: Scene 2__A/N: Thank you for taking the time to read my novel!Night owl gang🦉 _

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"I can now confirm that the following appointments will take place, Master Michaels." Softly announced Felix before slightly bowing his head towards me.

"Splendid. Get someone to bring me a cup of ginseng tea." I yawned. I grew tiresome as my day at the office came to an end. Ugh, just a little longer and then I can reward myself!
"Also I need updates with the office in France. I'm leaving shortly so please be swift." I stretched out my arms and cracked my knuckles.

The short brunet gifted me with his sweet endearing smile, then proceeded to take a full-body bow. It wasn't required of him, but since he was raised in the strict oriental lands of East Asia I suppose it made it a customary habit for him to do so.

I liked it. I deserved and desired respect from everyone in my presence. This extra gesture wasn't mandatory, but was indubitably pleasant.

My personal mobile which was in my front trouser pocket buzzed twice. I checked my antique Patek Philippe watch which suggested it was nearly time.

Time for me to return home so I could join his release and pay my dividends!

I am a highly driven man when I had a focus, and sometimes that meant I had to dive in and get my hands dirty. I liked it, in hindsight, when I needed to graft and chase as the reward tended to be grand.

I was guileful knowing what was to come. I am not a man to surrender, however I pled guilty to my possessions. One hidden pleasure of mine, my little secret, was 'the one' that I had a craving desire for.

It's within my nature to possess and obtain over my desires.

*Computer notification PINGS loudly*

"I must get that fucking sound changed!" I grunted rolling my eyes. Everything today was slightly pissing me off.

I despised our new technological world. It was not my area of expertise. My business professionally was quite ingrained in the real world, thanks to my old man.

I reluctantly checked my emails which I was going to forward to Felix, but a recipient's name caught my attention and changed my mind.



Good day,
It was a pleasure working with your IT team to resolve malware issues. I also appreciate your generous donation, many thanks.

In response to your invitation, (going to the theatre) I would be delighted to enjoy some entertainment and finally meet you!


Why is there always a however or a but to things?

-I politely decline your recent offer (which you sent to me in your previous email) in becoming your full time employee. As a small business I am happy to offer a quick and kind service. For anything more we can discuss at a further date if you'd wish.

Yours sincerely, Holland Pierce.

I felt an ounce of sourness spread over my core. When I want something I get it and he, commendably, was tougher than the piece of fluffy-cotton I ought him to be.
My current team told me he was more than happy to achieve all their requests and tasks. I had initially thought he was showcasing his eagerness to express his apprenticeship skills, but apparently he hadn't even applied to advance his education to a degree standard.

*The buzzer to Quinton's office rung*

I used my senses to feel who it was.


"Here's your ginseng tea, Sir Michaels." In came Felix's personal assistant, a plump red headed woman.

"Thank you Clarissa. Here." I ruffled through my pockets and gave her the change a cashier insisted I took earlier today.

The cheek of that bastard!

"Oh." The woman was pleasantly surprised. Her round features and big lipped smile was somewhat cute.. and attractive.
"No- no need sir.." She hesitated and blushed.

"I owe you the pleasure, Clarissa." I gave her a small smile.
"You came quickly which is much appreciated, so thank you." I gave her a deserved look of approval and a nod of the head. I was too tired to be working out my facial muscles, I needed a release and then sleep!

"Thank you! Thank you, Mr Sir Michaels!" She took the £150 from my hands, avoiding eye contact with me.

I hated physical cash. It was dirty. I hated change. It was poor. That cashier insulted me by giving me back money and change. I told him to keep it as a tip, because I was sure he would put it to better use than me, but he was a rational 'humblist'. I had no time to argue, because I had a meeting I had to attend.

I sipped on my hot ginseng and signed the last remaining papers I had to send off.

Thank fuck I was soon done.

I hope you enjoyed the read🤗
What's your first impression of Quinton's character?
Dear grammar police 👮 do check my message board to find out which chapters have been re-edited. I accept criticisms🤓 as long as you share this novel😤... joking! I don't make threats😇👀

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