Chapter 52: Playing Games

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Red Block was a game I didn't get so easily. I was never the type to play card games, but Paris kept saying "You'll get it, it's right up your alley."
She sounded posh when she said that. Previously she told me she likes the way Quinton speaks.

His southern tone was posh though he sometimes spoke with dialectic slang. I've never really noticed the northern twang in his voice, but to Paris it's apparently obvious. I see it through the way she speaks.

It was currently 22:42. We were still playing the blasting game which I sucked at, but I did like the strategy behind it. We ate lots of little meals throughout the day, thanks to Mr Grant. He literally just appears and disappears like a ghost. You never notice him until he makes himself known to you. Paris really liked Mr Grant's company for some reason. She said he reminds her of Grandma. I don't see it.

"Quinton hasn't eaten." I boldly stated to myself, forgetting his sister was right in front of me.

Chris placed down their domino chip that had a number 5 on it before cocking their head to the side.

"Huh?" She smiled.

"Oh nothing!" I placed down my chip that had 2 dots.
"Shit!" I laughed and groaned at the same time.

"I'll have your king of hearts, thank you." She smirked.

"Ow." I felt hesitant to give it to her. It was one of my power cards.

"Or.. you can have another go if you tell me what's on your mind. I can see you've been distracted with something that's bothering you. I want you to know that you can talk to me anytime as a friend." They reached out their hand to hold mine, reassuringly.

"I'm not bothered. Im frustrated at how I haven't won a game." I told half the truth through a smile which I thought was convincing.

What did bother me was how much her brother was taunting my mind. I felt annoyed at myself for not keeping behind a line. I don't like how he brings out the most in me in literal seconds! He's enticing. I can't allow this 'thing' we have to become more than it already is, because in all honesty I'm getting attached. It's starting to scare me among other things. My boundaries are my sense of security and right now I'm not secure. I have Paris, CJ and a house to think of.
In fact, i'm excited for tomorrow!

"I almost believe how that could be apart of the problem, but you keep babbling on about Quinton. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, but let me help if I can. Quinton is extraordinary which isn't always easy to embrace." Chris smiled kindly, laying their cards on the table.

I felt awkward.
He looked so hurt when I pushed him away, it was as if I could feel what he felt.

"He fascinates me." I coughed, admittedly. Chris was giving me a forceful stare that made spit out the truth.

"Why is that a bother?" They leaned on their hand.

"Because I can't afford to be distracted by things that don't make sense to me." I shrugged.

"What's not making sense?"

"What even makes sense nowadays?" I laughed it off.

Chris looked at me with a look of hopeless pity. I could tell they wanted to press on, but thankfully they didn't. I was not in the mood to be questioned.

Mr Grant waltzed in with a trolley that had two trays on it. Oo.. the frequent meals were sustaining my energy nicely.

"What do we have here?" Asked Chris.

"A fruit and nut mediterranean couscous, steamed sweet potato, pickled cabbage, and a homemade beef stew. I also have a coconut flatbread on its way. Miss young Paris has done a fine job at helping me with the cooking." Nodded Mr Grant.

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