Act 4 - Scene 3: Quinton's Thoughts

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I am watched by the land, the moon and the sea. My presence alone influences the elements that survives and breathes. Independence I have seeked and in independence I have grown.

My world is dark, and though I take pleasure in the night, I don't like being all alone.

In the dark is where my beast lies.
He stays calm until there's a certain threat hovering the unknown skies.

In a time where I felt lost,
Where my soul felt empty,
I looked for refuge when it all felt too hefty.

... then I discovered this person that instantly allured me.

I was with my triangular fellow checking the meadows of dark technology. On our curious journey we came across an add, yes the idea was a little mad, but thoughts consumed me.

'Look!' I tempted.
'Does curiosity kill the cat?'
'Cats have 9 lives.' I rolled my eyes at my own mentality.
'Damn death when the dead are among me!'

I clicked and I saw a chick... with dick...
'Chocolate Bhad-Bee'.

Me and my fellow friend gasped before he immediately exited the screen, with a smile that was soppy and lean.

It was too late, I had already caught what looked like fates bait.
I was mesmerised by the image that had presented itself to me, so much so that the thought began to daunt me.

I wanted him...

So one eager night I ventured the web on my own to release my hard bone. My Bhad-Bee was masked, so I couldn't see his face behind the screen. Nonetheless, the content of his interactions engaged me. His bossy nature was attractive, even more so since he was a people pleaser. He had a creative mind, but I've realised that he was far behind, probably wanting more out there opportunities.


It was the time of ceremony, a time for transformation and my awakening of the beast. It was the time of the great feast and I needed to sacrifice my chosen subjects to feed my beast.

I've taken many subjects and none were worthy of feeling my entirety.
I, the beast.
I needed to find my heart, because the emptiness I started to feel lead to the downfall of evil wanting to devour me.

I was on a mission and I was failing my purpose, so I had to reflect and be who I was destined to be.

I was the last of my breed, therefore I am unique, I am me. I had to connect with my inner self to feel the Leo's heart and supply of energy.

I was sacrificing my powers to get closer to the one thing that had intrigued me. I need to connect with him, I don't know why, but he made my heart beat. Why him? Out of all the people, him why?

My ma-..
The lamb...
Ugh! What a mistake! Class cannot be meddled with like this, it was dangerous. Not for me, but for him and all he cared for.
But that's why I have to introduce him to the world, guide him, be PATIENT, and initiate him.
The beast wants him!
The beasts needs him!!

What will be will be. Time.. patience.. step taking is the key.


So I started to obey my instinct. My instinctive nature was wild and dominant, but I missed the element of being free. So I went for him, my Leo demanded it from me.

I don't plan, I take steps and each step has taken me to this very moment.

What I wanted was forbidden and frowned upon, so I wanted it more. I needed it!
It felt like a calling that outweighed any other opposing opportunity.

I hit a point in my life where I felt as though I hit rock bottom. I felt as though hope was lost.
I had to place myself in new environments to see how beautiful and divine life was. And for some magical reason my beast woke up feeling connected to the boy on the screen. So I had to hunt him down in the most personal way as possible, because I am from a long lineage of sentimental men, which meant it was instinctively in me to get what I wanted in my own way. It was my right.

But the troubles.. will he survive it? Am I selfish for pursuing this, pursing him? He may grow to hate me and with that I can't-


I am a king! I will get what's mine! I will will protect what's mine. I will serve my divine purpose in this finity!


My insides held back my rambling roar. My need to bellow to the sun and the moon.


"Quinton! Hurry up!" The little girl who reminded me of Marie, called after me.

I put my drink down and showed the girl, Paris, where my cinema room was. Her upbeat, cheery nature was refreshing. She so much reminded me of my dear friend, Marie.

Marie.. that was a different story...

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