Evening Meal And A Confession

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Quinton had put a shepherds pie in the oven to reheat. It looked really good actually. We were going to have it with gravy and long broccoli.

"Why don't you put the Shepard's pie in the microwave if it's already cooked?" I asked.

"It won't taste as good. It won't take long." He was quick with his reply. I shrugged not wanting to argue though my tummy rumbled.

I was sitting at the island just watching him prepare our food. He didn't want me to lift a finger and to be quite honest I was happy to sit and relax. Watching him was oddly fun. He was just pottering about not phased by my presence. He was very natural and that was quite comforting.
He moved with such ease.

"I am unhappy about one thing though." The sudden thought of recent events randomly popped into my head.

I could be checking my notifications right about now, but nope all my shit is gone!
How will I earn bred?
All my projects thrown into the bin.. pff.

"Hm..?" He began to set the table, ignoring me.

"You've taken control of my life." I breathed, too tired to be angry about it.

Though I slept for days I felt drained.

He cautiously preceded with his actions, slightly nodding to himself.

I started to heat up because of my irritation. I might as well get it off my chest.
"I have been made aware that there's a threat on your family, but dragging me into it isn't cool ya know. I was trying to survive to protect my family, Quinton. Paris and my cousin CJ is all I have. I am still puzzled about this 'mate' complex and this 'love' thing. It's like a daydream, just it's not. You have been nothing but good to me and Paris, but why? What is it that I have that you need so much? You seem like a man who could have anything you wanted just by the click of your fingers, so why me out of everyone you could choose from?" I had to catch my breath, surprising myself that I let it all out.

Quinton was looking at me intensely, making me regret looking up at him. It's like I could see the joy start to drain from his face, which slightly pained me. I suppose I do care about him and his feelings.

Thankfully there weren't any crazy colours in his eyes, because usually that meant this was a really good thing or a really bad thing. From his stern expression I could tell that he wasn't pleased.

I took a deep breath to brace myself, but instead of having an outburst he slowly placed the table mats on the island. He then leaned over the table with both hands flat on the surface.
He took a deep sigh, looking down at his hands.

"You don't choose who you're related to, do you?" He let out a strained sigh.

"Obviously not."
Where is he going with this?

"Well the blessing of having a mate is the same thing. Being mates with you isn't something 'I chose', or you choose for that matter." He ran his hand across his forehead.
"It's a connection beyond explanation, but you know that." He looked me in my eyes with a hint of frustration in his monotone voice.

His aura felt different. But then again I know he gets very touchy about this stuff. I'm just trying to understand this situation which I'm entitled to.

"But that doesn't answer why my life is now held in your hands." I rested my hand on my head feeling a shared sense of frustration.

I didn't want any problems for real. I just wanted to ensure that my family were safe and he's put a block to my efforts.

"We are connected in a way which makes you my dependable companion. This dependancy we share has made you and I together an immediate target for our enemies."

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