Act 3 - Scene 2: The Shock of The Surprise

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I was in the middle of eating my lunch and talking about the purpose of this project Michael proposed.

The man could eat! It was in fact beautiful watching him fill his 'fat-man's gut' and wondering how he didn't get fat. When he ate with a knife and fork he looked like some posh prince, but then he ate a burger and looked like a model when eating with his bare hands.

His partner must have a hard time cooking for him- assuming he'd have one. He was a pampered man- like he smelt too good and looked too good. I mean he talks too good as well, with his soothing voice...- so yeah, his partner must have one heck of a job to maintain this hunk of a man.

A housewife.. I wonder if they'd consider their job easy? People either strive towards that lifestyle, or it's forcefully given to them. I can imagine many feeling possibly incapable of normal things, but with a good relationship I wonder if it was an easy job? I don't believe in things being easy or hard, because if you develop the mindset that something's hard it prevents you from achieving the work quickly. If you look at something to be easy you can build an arrogance towards others that might find that obstacle challenging. But I do believe in challenges. EVERYONE needs a challenge..

"Earth to Holland." Waved Quinton.

"Oh hiya, just lost in thought." I excused with a cheek filled smile.

"So I can see. Did you go to mars or Jupiter?" He tittered, making a very cheesy joke.

I smiled, trying to prevent it. I liked how smiley he was it was somewhat reassuring, especially as he has such a cold stone straight face when he wanted to. Quinton Michaels is a person whose looks could kill.. literally.

"Uranus." I stuck my tongue out childishly, like people did back in school. His eyes were glued to me, kindly smiling at me. You could see he wanted to burst out laughing but he just shook his head.

I didn't usually joke around with people. Paris and CJ say that I lack a sense of humour. I couldn't care less, but I felt oddly bubbly around Blondy-Locks.

"Silly.. hmm?" He raised his thick/nicely shaped brow.

"Is it? Mars and Jupiter is too close to home. I'm an adventurer, on the look for a sky that rains diamonds." I continued to sip on my cocktails.

"Is that so?" He hummed.

There was a small fuzzy feeling in my stomach, I think it was 'butterflies'. Oh dear.. today I've been feeling weird as hell! This isn't like me at all, and so not professional, but I 'sort of' didn't mind it. Imma swear and say it's something in the atmosphere.

"Look outside." He told me, smirking.

Fuck. In. Hell...

We were so high in the sky that the buildings beneath us looked like ants.

"Oh my g-" I felt faint just looking outside.

"Just breathe." He smiled with a calmness to his voice.

Eeeks! Nah I didn't like it. What the actual hell!? We should be 20-30 feet max off the ground! But NO... WERE HUNDREDS, maybe even a THOUSAND feet up! I felt nauseous.. I've never been this high up ever! I felt dizzy, I felt like I was going to puke or pass out.

"Holland?" Quinton sounded a little worried. I looked at him, struggling to breath since my breathing was stuck in my throat.
"Copy me. Now!" He straightened his posture, took a very deep breath in through his nose and SLOWLY released the air through his mouth- in a controlled 'o' motion.

I straightened my posture to the best of my ability and gripped the table with my shaky hands. I tried to copy him, but I felt my breath become even more stuck.

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