Act 3 - Scene 2: School Drama

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"Hey bitch!" I hugged Shanice.

"Come, let's get food I'm hungry man." She linked arms with me.

"Oi look." I pointed in Jordan's direction.
"He's with them girls." I grimaced.

"Again?" She groaned.

"Yup." I popped the 'p'. "See this is why you don't get whipped over these lame ass bitches." I referred to that stinking ediat boy.

Jordan looked in our direction and I rolled my eyes and dragged Shanice with me to the canteen.

"Yo! Paris! CANDICE!" Shouted one of the year 11's as we entered the dome-shaped lunch hall.

I whipped my head around to see some girls running up on us.


Me and Shanice took off any jewellery and awaited for the attack to come to us.

"Eh you man call T and dem'!" People in the background shouted, warning each other.

Yep.. a fight was about to kick off!

"Ahh." The tall bitch charged at me and swung for my face, but I dodged and grabbed her hair, wrapped it around my hand and YANKED her to the ground.

Lacy, the tall Albanian whore, grabbed onto my sides with her big self, causing us both to stumble.

In the background all I could hear was "Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!"

The adrenaline kicked in and I started throwing jabs to this whore's mushroom-looking face. Everyone from around me started to phase out as I started to reminisce on this whore's online insults.
She started crying as I pushed her over, got on top of her and continued to throw jabs to her face. My surroundings were blurry and before I knew it I was pulled off the bitch by someone way stronger than me.. a teacher. Kmt..


"Paris, my office now!" Yelled the P.E teacher, Mr Brown.

I looked around, seeing where Shanice was. She was being escorted out the lunch hall by another teacher.

"Yo Paris, I've called T and dem!" One of my year 11 olderz said quickly, passing by before following the head teacher's orders.

I smiled. Then frowned. Shit, Holland is going to be so disappointed with me! But I didn't start it!!
This needed to be done.

So basically, there were a group of girls picking on one of our other friends, Taya. Taya wasn't in, because she got jumped by this Albanian bitch! We threatened them and they said to 'catch them on sight', so it turned into a beef ting where once we caught them outside we would've fucked them up. They've been hiding or skiving school and apparently telling their 'gypsy friends' about us, threatening us with death threats and shot. This beef spread around school and because our school was predominantly black with other ethnic minorities we were backed by the peeps at school. None of them got involved, just here for the drama, but I didn't mind.

"Cha, dirty bitch!" I mumbled angrily.

I wanted to tump dem' girls inna dem duty face.

Holland was called. I had to write a personal statement, speak and explain the situation to Mr Brown. He has a soft spot for me 'cause he's my PE teacher and I'm the sportiest girl in the school. I kept my certificates, medals and trophies in my locker. Holland said it was a good idea until we one day moved out of the area. That way I can display them safely.

Mr Brown kept saying 'this is unlike you' with bare disappointment. I felt a little bad, but defo not guilty.

Apparently an ambulance was called. Police might get involved then right?
I don't know, but I don't give a shit. Taya was beaten up, robbed and bullied.

Taya was my albino girl. She was soft and always has been. Known her since primary. She got the bullying hard, especially because she was albino. She took a long time to become comfortable within her skin. She's adopted by white people, but still her African features made her noticeably different. Her parents were strict and she was the smart kid. In fact she was the only friend Holland actually liked. They were both nerdy man.

I had spoken to the head teacher. He excluded me for a week after I had showed him screenshots of threats from dem stink gyal. The head threatened 2 weeks which would've drove Holland insane, but fortunately I had exams before the Christmas holidays. He was complacently saying how he believed I was irrational.

I was anxiously waiting on Holland to come, but an hour went by and the school just released me, letting me go home. I told them he was at work. They accepted that since Holland went to this school too and was their star pupil, so yes I had the hardship of always being compared to him academically.

I messaged Taya, Tellise, and Shanice to come over. Shanice couldn't make it since she was now grounded. Taya was buying snacks, but lied to her parents and said she was going library. Tellise was minutes away with Dominos in her hands.

"Girl!!!!" Tellise squealed, causing us to all burst out laughing.

One boy sent her a dick pic, but it was...
Yucky. Tiny.. g.r.e.e.n..?

"Ewwws!" I gagged.

"Enit what the fuck!" Spat Taya, putting her pizza down.

"Guess who it was..?" Grimaced Tellise.

We speculated.


"No way! Wait.. not Jordan's?!" Shouted Taya.

"No!!!!" Defended Tellise.
"Anymore guesses?" She said with a devilish grin.

"You're going to send that to the schools bait out page enit?" I chuckled and shook my head.

She eyed me evil... nodding.

"So who is it?!" Impatiently stomped Taya.

"Johan." Tellise started creasing, grabbing her energy drink swirling the last contents of what was in the can.

Me and Taya gagged and burned out laughing.

Johan was like the top boy in school. Arrogant. A gyalist (womaniser). Middle class, so he come from some sort of money. He mixed and light skin and used that as an appeal to get bare gyals. But no would have guessed that this would've of belonged to him. SHAME!

I heard the front door burst open. I thought it was Holland so I was petrified until I saw my witch of a mother.

"Girls y'all gotta go!" I warned.

"Owwwww!" Groaned Tellise.
"Hey ms Pierce." Greeted Taya, with her head down as she walked out.

They knew the deal. If my mum came home they had to clear out. They didn't know much of my home life, but believed my mum was bipolar and spends a lot of time in and out of hospital due to chronic pains. And it was going to stay that way.

I called Holland.

No answer...

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