Chapter 42: Actions Speak Louder Than Words

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"I need the loo. You can go in that room to find a pair of socks." Chris pointed towards a stone/glass door with a block wooden handle.

"Thanks." I smiled with my eyes. I still felt a little shaken after the Bitch-of-a-man; Mr Quinton Motherfucking Michaels, had the audacity to have a go at me.

Chris explained to me the feelings her brother had for me which really helped calm me down. She said in their way of life if a certain person was personable to them it was their belief to religiously help them. She said the principal of stewardship was an important act, especially for someone you had a connection with. I didn't have time to deny my affections for Quinton as she called it out so suddenly.. she was confrontational and I liked that.
Still though, I thought this was a bit much for the short time I've known Quinton, but she explained that it didn't matter how long or short you knew the person. Apparently, if there was this strong connected pull between people it was their religious duty to implement structures to help and secure them.

At first I felt a bit like a charity case, but she joked and stated that he was my burden. She told me how excited Quinton was to be working with me on this project and glorified how smart I was, which obviously flattered me. It then hit me that they were siblings and it made me feel a little less hostile.

They spoke completely different. Quinton had a mixture of a northern tone mixed with the Queen's English, though his vocabulary wasn't terribly posh despite being well spoken. Chris, however, sounded 'Europeanish'. It was as if Chris traveled more, she gave that impression when it was me, her, Mr Grant and Paris down in the kitchen. She was definitely the more wild one of the two... but then again Quinton likes to go out to places. He's taken me to many places already which were actually quite cool when I reflect on it. He was adventurous and had the curtesy to constantly treat me..

Our conversation about Quinton drifted as she showed me some pics of her romantic partners. She said Quinton had trouble with expressing himself sometimes, because he bottled things in- something I could relate to. She said she could already see the happiness in Quinton's eyes when he looked at me, which shows how serious mine and his connection is, especially since he was not a man to mess around with.

In one picture Chris was kissing a brown girl who looked quite bold and edgy. She said that was her German girlfriend who she lived with. In another pic she was clanking champagne glasses, doing a cheers with two other guys. Following the action she announced that it was her 5 year anniversary with her fiancés. Her fiancés were already married to each other and were in a relationship 8 years before they had met her. She spilled that one of her fiancées was asexual to explain the importance of expression and communication. So it seemed like she was very open about her life and felt that was very important to who she is today. She declared 'it was the best way to be, but not everyone understood that yet'. She philosophised that 'yet' was still to come, because all things change and life is just a discovery.

Finally, towards the end of our conversation she explained that they were royalty- AS IN RELATED TO THE ROYAL FUCKING FAMILY AND SHIT! This was like some Megan and Harry shit- I nearly passed out from that fact alone, but held my nerve. I got the vibe that it was sensitive and complicated.. and I didn't want to scare myself even more.
She briefly hinted her and Quinton's hatred towards being affiliated with the association and that's why they branched off to create lives for themselves- she didn't elaborate on it.

I sort of see why Quinton was being a bit erratic about it earlier. I hit a nerve which I didn't even know that I had hit. Thanks for Chris, because for some odd reason I feel the need to care for his feelings... I think even outside of business. This shit was new as fuck to me..

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