Act 4 - Scene 1: Morning

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*Phone rings*

Gosh I was knackered. I squinted my eyes as I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. It read 6:05AM. Ugh! It was Michaels.

"Hello?" I groaned.

"Morning." His deeper and more sexier morning voice greeted me.

"Is everything okay Quinton?" I yawned.

"Yes, are you okay? You called me less than an hour ago sending me a very troubled voicemail. What's going on Holland b-" He sounded genuinely concerned.
Pff.. it's sweet to be fair.

"Oh yeah! Sorry for disturbing you I just had a bit of a hectic night." I laughed nervously, sitting up in the bed, rubbing the sleep out my eyes.
"I left my bag in your car and wondered when I could come and get it." I held back the yawn that was trying to escape me.

"During early hours in the morning?" The sternness in his judgemental tone made me feel a little embarrassed.

"Sorry. It was an emergency. I have my personal belongings in that bag." I rubbed my naked shoulder with my free hand.

"I see. Text me your location and I'll see you soon." He hung up abruptly.


I stretched out my upper body and placed my phone on the bedside table.
I didn't want him to know where I was residing, he doesn't need to know of my situation.

I got out of the bed to go check on my sister. Her swelling wasn't so bad now and she looked more normal. I was so stressed throughout the night that I focused solely on attending to Paris' bruises. I got a cup and filled it with ice, dabbing the cubes, covered in a rag, all over her skin. I did it for hours whilst lost in thought with my messed up head. I was struggling to process and digest the line of recent events.

After seeing that Paris was fine I sent Quinton the address of the hotel and then went lay down for 10 minutes.



My eyes stung from suddenly forcing them open, my heart's beat rocketed in an uneven syncopated rhythm. However my brain was still asleep, so without a thought I got up to open the room's door.

"Can you come back later for room service? We're still asleep." I smiled lazily.

I caught a whiff of that unusual, pant dropping cologne. Fuck!

My eyes shot wide open as I nervously gulped. I felt apprehensive to share eye contact. The fine hairs on my very exposed body pricked, causing goosebumps. I felt a chemical tension that forced me to look up at the angelic giant of a man.
I was standing there in plain sight half naked in front of QUINTON FUCKING MICHAELS!

Do I hide behind the door? Eeek he was already staring; analysing my whole body.
I wanted to shoot myself.

"Uh.." I was shocked for words.

"Do I need to put something in that mouth of yours to fill it up, or are you going to pick your jaw up? He smiled smugly at me.

NOT NOW!!! Especially not now.

"I wasn't expecting you." I almost squealed due to my intense confusion.

I felt so ashamed. One, because I probably have sleep in my eyes or drool on my face. Two, because my inner core shouldn't feel affected by his devilish statement.

"Clearly." He shook his head chuckling. "But I did say send your-"

"-Address, I know. But I didn't expect you to come so early in the morning. Excuse me for a second." I quickly shut the door and ran to the bathroom. I felt my member start to twitch uncontrollably in response to his sharp penetrating gaze. Therefore, I had to position my dick safely in my boxers. Then I grabbed a dressing gown.

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