Act 3 - Scene 4: Cave Bar

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It was 3:03AM.
I was knackered to say the least.

"Hey man, I don't want any trouble!" The hood-monger put his hands up in surrender. "Why is that faggot so important anyways?" He scratched the back of his neck, rubbed his nose and shrugged.


I wanted to pull his teeth out with pliers, the pain should silence his chitter chatter.

If I'm not mistaken this flem-spitting pest became too comfortable around me. It's not like I want him to pry into my identity to grant me with forced respect, his sheer fear is enough for me. He lacks the decency of adequate standards. His nature was malodorous and yet he has the audacity to be boastfully disorderly.

He 'didn't want trouble' yet he's the type of being who causes havoc in peoples lives. I could read him like a book. This disillusioned cock-head was well behaved around me, however from conversations I've overheard he's quite the little shit. And not the the good kind.

"You are a maggot in life's pecking order, unqualified to do a fly's job. Are you prepared to eat shit?" I cracked my knuckles.
"You should think twice before questioning my intentions." I grabbed him by the ear and twisted it.

"EELP-ARHHH!" He released an awful shriek. The loudness of his pain stimulated my ears.

"Do you understand?" I yawned, continuing to twist his ear causing him to drop to the ground.

"Y-Yes Ed Highness." He groaned in agony as I released him.

In this domain I'm Ede Tao where all must hail to me as their King Leo. This piece of scum, however, he doesn't need to refer to me as such, because he's not a subject of mine. My name is too rich for his foul sour stinking mouth, therefore 'Ed' is how I introduced myself to him. The temporary object of a man was soon to be discarded of.

I walked over to the bar to pour myself a whiskey. Fuck I needed it.

"Excuse me, Lord Master Ede-Tao, would you like me to pour and serve you your drink?" A servant girl rushed over to me. She had belonged to one of the other masters here. She looked awfully young.

"Must you find a new one each week?" I looked down the hall and shouted out loud for her master to hear me.

In response he snickered, flashing me a smirk in the shadows before returning to his current conversation with another fellow member.

I shook my head.
"No thank you." I gave the girl a brief nod before taking a swig of the fine whiskey. The bitterness warmed my throat, calming my imploding frustrations.
"What have you gathered?" I squinted my eyes at the fool.

"I- so basically, I um got.. what you ma'call it?" He stuttered onto himself as he thought of an alibi.

My fellow clubs-men passed by and laughed with mockery as they caught a glimpse of the situation.
"I would hurry up if I were you!" One warned the piece of scum who kneeled before me.

Seems that I'll be providing the entertainment for tonight.
They can thank me later.

"S-so I did as you said..-" He looked at me with convince in his dreary eyes.

"As you were told." I corrected him, watching him wince.

"Yes, as I was told."

"-So what did you find?" I snapped at him.

"Well.. it's not much, bu-"

"Come with me."

I walked out back in the direction to the private lounge area I owned within the bar.

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