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The alarm went off at exacly 06:30 in the morning getting a loud and frustrated moan from the blond. He turned it off and got up, washing up quicky and putting on his black ripped jeans and black, overssized hoddie once again. He used almost the same clothes everyday, despite being one of the richest kids in town. He had about 20 pairs of the same black jeans and around 40 black, white and grey hoddies and that was what he wore daily. He didn't care if people thought he didn't wash his clothes, maybe it would keep them away, this if they even noticed he existed, of course.

Felix was pretty much invisible at school, no one talked to him, no one messed with him as well, no one knew he was rich therefore no one tried to use him as well.

He almost fell down the stairs, picked up an apple and left the house to the maids and butler without saying a word to any of them except the gardener, which he had known since he was a kid.

"G'day Lix!"

Feliz waved at him with a small smile, he liked the old Australian men.

Since he moved to Korea, Felix had adopted the "invisible" life, sitting in the back of the class and talking to no one, in the begining because he was insecure about his Korean skills, but now his Korean was almost perfect, in his last highschool year. Yet, he still didn't enjoy crowds or any kind of atention.

Arriving at school was fast, even though he walked each day so no one would have even a glimpse of his cars and money, he kept his head down, his hoddie on and his headphones blasting More and More by Twice, and walked through the moody teenagers among the halls. He saw some nerds getting bullied by some school jocks but couldn't do anything so just kept on walking, a little bit faster. He just wished he wouldn't have to deal with them this morning.

As soon as he reached his classroom's hall he frowned, knowing that had been asking for too much.

"Well, well, well, who do we got here today?", Chan laughed behing Changbin, knowing the boy's favourite prey had just arrived.

ALMOST no one gave a shit about Felix's quiet existence, but, for some reason, Seo Changbin, one of the biggest bullies in the whole school, had looked at him for the first time 2 years ago and thought. You. I'll make YOUR life a living hell.

Felix sighted as he the older got closer with Jisung and Chan and prensed him to a wall, his hand hardly gripping the blond's shoulder. Felix kept a straight face, never letting show any fear or pain, if it got boring for Changbin to bully him maybe, onde day, he'd give up.

"Aren't you a bit early? Wait, did you consider speanding time with us? That's why you came early, right?", Changbin put the other hand on his own chest, prettending to be touched, then punched the wall behind Felix with all his strenght.

"Are you deaf? I'm talking to you!", the older shouted, visibly annoyed.

The bell rang and people started arriving, ignoring the 4 boys, no one would ever mess with 3racha.

"Bro, the teacher will be here at any time, let him go, he won't talk.", Jisung spoke with a light voice, almost as if he were trying to calm a dog down. When the short one didn't move he rolled his eyes pushing Changbin and Chan with him, always having to be the one solving the group's problems and the only one with half a brain cell. He shoved both of them to their shared desk and sat on his own, in the back, next to Lee Minho, who was already sleeping. Jisung laughed at the boy and did the same.

"He didn't even flinch.", Changbin growled.


"Keep up Chan, that nerd he didn't even flinch when I punched the wall. How on earth?"

Chan took of his books pretending to work as the teacher entered the classroom.

"I don't know man, maybe he is just dead inside."

"Aren't we all?"

Both boys turned back to face Hyunjin. Changbin knew Hyunjin since kindergarden, but as they grew up he also grew annoyed at the younger, his features and confidence got all the girls Chanbgin didn't. Now, of course, with 3racha, Changbin got more girls than he could be with so he had internally forgiven the guy but he still couldn't stand him.

"Shut up Hwang"

The taller smiled.

"You're talking about the quiet guy? I heard he never takes his hoodie off because he doesn't have hair."

"Nonsence, I've seen parts of it it's blond!", Chan thought back, looking nervous for some reason."Or pink, I'm not sure honestly."

"You probably dreamt of it, why would someone dye their hair pink?"

"Why not?", Hyunjin teased Changbin and the older just rolled his eyes.

"Stop bugging me, I can't think straight.", Changbin hissed and turned back trying to actually learn something.

"Probably because you aint.", Chan laughed quietly at Hyunjin's comment, they both shared a look, knowing Hwang was alive now because Changbin didn't hear.

Changbin wasn't only the biggest bully in school, but also the biggest homophobe.

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