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"Come on Sung we'll be late.", Minho shouted from downstairs, making Jisung roll his eyes. He fixed his hair one last time in the mirror, grabbed his backpack and walked over to the sleeping baby on the bed. He carefully wrapped the girl and and smiled at her, trying not to wake her up until they were in the car.

"Your dad is annoying me so much that if you didn't exist I'd kill him. But then you'd be an orphan again and I don't want that."

The man skipped downstairs and entered the car, the baby girl ( HeYo CrHis) in her proper chair and Minho with a soft smile.

"What took you so long, sweatie?"

"If you were going to be this irresponsible we should have gotten a cat."

Minho furrowed his eyebrows.

"Another one?"

Jisung rolled his eyes as the car started, not able to stay mad at his husband for one second.


Hyunjin rang the bell one more time, tired of the hot sun of june. After 20 minutes and a now sweaty fancy (YOUUUUUU) suit, Seungmin finally appeared at the door. He was dressed in black, which was not very smart, but looked flawless as always.

Hyunjin eyed him and smirked, leaning in and connecting their lips in a small kiss.

"Are they coming?"

"Chan will be here in no time with his new car."

Seungmin rolled his eyes.

"He has been away from us for 3 months and all you care is about the car."

"I want to see Innie too."

Seungmin burst into laughter at the same time the new car actually arrived, the two boys inside making their way to the couple. Jeongin threw himself at them, hugging both in a strong way.

"I missed you so much, Hyungs!"

"Missed you to Innie, you grew even more.", Seungmin's mouth opened.

"Someday you'll be taller than me, champion. How's college, you finnished this year, right?"

"Yes! I'll be finally entering the music business!"

Hyunjin smiled at the younger.

"One day we need to do something together, right Chan?"

The producer looked over and smiled, taking his time to embrace the couple, after that he just casually placed his hands on Jeongin's waist and his head on his shoulder.

"Are we going or what?"

"Sure, get in, we're meeting Minho and Jisung at the entrance."


It took a long time for everyone to stop ranting over how cute Jisung and Minho's daughter was, Chan and Jeongin seeing her for the first time, since they had both been too busy with college and Chan's company.

Jisung was the one to see Felix. He was standing on the end of the room, casual clothes as if it weren't a formal event. As soon as he saw his friends he ran to hug them, Innie and Chan being the strongest, even thought he could see his cousin more times than the others since he was in his company as well, he was still happy they were here.

"Look at you all, so handsome. Hi Seok.", he high fives the sleeping baby making everyone laugh.

"And aren't you going to put on a suit?", Chan scoffed.

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