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Felix was sitting close to the window at the living room, at a silent corner hidden by the crowds, when he felt the hand on his shoulder. It was a shy tap and almost felt like a leaf. When Felix turned around he saw Changbin looking down at him. He tried to remain calm as he saw the older's red eyes wander as if they didn't know where to look at.

"What?", he sounded cold, too cold.

But Changbin didn't seem to notice. Slowly his hand touched Felix's face, leaving the younger one expectant. When he started stroking the younger's upper check, right where he had punched him, Felix froze. He knew the older was drunk, it was more than obvious.
A tear fell down his check.

"I-i'm...", he couldn't finnish the sentence as he broke down one more time. Felix panicked as the older's sobs got faster.

"What the... Changbin, look at me please."

When the older didn't look up, Felix got his hand om his chin and lifted his face up, his puffy eyes had enought crying already, it was clearly not the first time, recently.

"I-i know I'm drunk a-nd you must hate me now but I k-know I've been an idiot in s-so many ways and I shouldn't h-have beaten you and I should have n-never...", his sobs were quieter now but his eyes were down.

"You should have never what?"


"Changbin, look at me."

The older obeyed and looked Felix in the eyes. He couldn't explain it but there it was again, THAT feeling. Like electricity in his body.

"D-do you think I r-really like boys?", it was mostly a whisper, but Felix got it all.

He pressed his lis and tapped the place next to him where Changbin sat.

"Do you remember much from that night?"

Changbin immediatly looked red.

"Most of it."

"Well do you remember liking it?"

Changbin got chils just thinking about the sensation again.


His answer was even lower than before.

Felix brought his head up, gently.

Changbin knew he was going to say something, but he didn't want Felix to say it, he didn't want to hear the confirmation, so he leaned in and shut him up.

With his lips.

Immediatly his body was invaded with an unknown energy.

Felix kissed back in a matter of seconds, him also being a little bit drunk already. He let Changbin lead the kiss as the older grabbed his neck bringing him closer and deepening the kiss. Felix was ready to get up on Changbin's lap but he knew he had to stop it there. They were in public. He disconnected their lips wining a whining Changbin that fell onto his arms. Felix ponderes to just be cold towards him and send him away or back off, but instead he embraced the older's waist and held him close. He felt hands around his body and layed against the wall with an almost sleeping Changbin in his arms.

He almost fell asleep as well, until a voice brought him back.

"Excuse me, can I take him?", he looked uo to see the girl they had encontered back in the kitchen.

"Uhm, I guess?"

"I'm his sister, thankyou for, I don't even know, taling care of him or just tollerating him for tonight."

Felix got Changbin of him and his sister woke him up. He seemed pretty confused as his sister dragged him away, not without a last glance at Felix.


"Spit it out."

Felix whined at the sudden light in his bedroom."

"Spit what Chris?"

"I saw you yesterday with Changbin, he was laying on your chest, what on earth happened?"

Felix sat on his bed, cursing his cousin.

"He was tired and fell asleep in the middle of a wierd speech that I can't even remember. He was totally drunk."

Chan frowned.

"Just that? No fun dude."

Felix remembered the felling of Changbin's lips om his.

"Just that."

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