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5 chapters to go guys!


"Did you hear the news?", Wooyoung sat next to the younger boys in the kitchen and grabbed an apple.

"What news?"

"The heir of the ghosts will be at the Lee's party."

Changbin and Felix's eyes widened.

"Not even I knew, are you serious? He never appeared in public before."

Wooyoung nooded, starting to eat. The ghosts were how they refered to the second richest family in Korea, no one had ever seen their heir, or heirs, no one even knew if they were any so far. Because the family is always targeted, probably a way to keep them safe, locked somewhere with maximum security, Felix thought.

"Are you taking Felix to the party?", Wooyoung asked.

"Am I going to the party?"

"Of course you are, we all are."

Changbin furrowed his eyebrows.

"I'm confused."

Wooyoung laughed and turned to him with a small smile.

"We go every year, San is always my plus one, but he'd get in anyway, he is still your family, still has your surname and everyone knows he exists. You are always there, everyone knows you, your dad can't stop you."

Changbin let all of that sink in.

"So I saw him every year and didn't recognize him?"

"He was always avoiding you, scared you'd be mad."

Changbin felt terrible.

"I can't believe this."

"But are you taking him or not? We need to know so we can send the Lee family the number of people we'll be taking."

"Actually, he was going to be the one to take me."


Felix laughed at the confused expression on Wooyoung's face.

"Lee Felix, pleasure."

The elder started laughing after a while.

"Alright, you are in good hands then, but I think you should go as yourself, use your name to pester your dad.", Wooyoung winked at him as the doorbel rang and he left the two guys enjoying their cereal. "I'll get that."

"Wooyoung I need San, please!", a feminine voice echoed from the hall, catching Changbin's atention.

"Calm down, I'll get him. Sit."

"I need to find him.", her sobs were increasing and Changbin immediately felt the worst person ever. "I got home and he wasn't there and dad refuses to tell me... he said he had no son called Changbin I need to find my brother, Woo..."

Felix pushed Changbin to the living room and the guy woke up from his own thoughts. He ran into the room at the same time as San got there, coming from upstairs. She lifted her head at the steps and burst into tears again as she saw Changbin. The younger ran to hear and plopped down on the sofa, holding his sister close.

"I'm so sorry, I should have called I... I totally forgot."

San kneeled in front of them, taling her hand in his.

"I should have thought about that too, sorry I didn't warn you."

She tried to calm down and glarred at them both.

"What the hell happened?"

Changbin was getting tired of taling about this, but his sister deserved an explanation. Felix and Wooyoung took a sit on the other couch, staring at the scene.

"Dad kicked me out."

"Excuse me?"

"You hear him."

The woman looked rather shocked by the new piece of information.


"Does he really need a reason?", San joked, not sure if Changbin was ready to go around telling everyone.

"Same reason as San."

Tht way he didn't really have to say it.


Changbin nodded, his lips pressed in a thin line.

"I tried to tell you but didn't have the courage."

His sister embraced him once again and let herself calm down before she got up and started walking around.

"I'm going to kill that som of a bitch."

"Wait.", Changbin suddenly got up as well, looking hetween his brothers. "How do you even know where San's house is."

"You did too."

"Yes because I asked a friend to find out."

She smiled awkwardly.

"We kept in touch, sorry about that, I couldn't tell you, father was always watching you and I knew if I told you you'd come over too many times, specially after you started changing."


"Yes. As in suddenly you stopped being an idiot. Even I noticed it and I spent almost no time with you."

San smiled widely.

"Love does incredible things."

Both Felix and Changbin stiffened in their places, the couple laughing at their faces. His sister finally saw Felix sitting there and ofered him a smile.

"Changbin's sister."

"Lee Felix.", the womam let her chin fall as she heard his incredibly deep voice.

"Are you Satan or something?"

Changbin rolled his eyes as the other laughed.

"He might be, and from what I heard from their room last night Changbin had a lot of sins to pay for."

His sister's eyes widened as she and Wooyoung bursted into laighter, Felix's chin dropped, half laughing half blushing and Changbin immediately sat down between Wooyoung and Felix and burried his face in the latter's chest.

"I hate you."

"I love you too, little brother."

Changbin's sister couldn't help it but smile when the younger boy pressed a kiss on Changbin's head, letting out a soft chuckle.

"So I'm assuming we will be going to Felix's party together and slap out sperm doner."


Chnagbin looked at her and pretended to look hopeful, causing the others to laugh as well.

"I mean, why not?"

San rolled his eyes.

"Whatever you guys say, but yes we are going there, we are going to expose him and we are going to do it this saturday, we're not waiting anymore."

"I'll go with him and find you there, he won't be expecting to see any of you, can you get in?"

They all nodded.

"We have our ways.", San smiled.

"Great, I'll keep in touch." She hugged San and Wooyoung, Changbin and then Felix, whispering in his ear making the younger laugh. "Bye guys."

"Good work day!"

"Thankyou San."

As soon as the door closed Changbin clinged over Felix.

"What did she tell you?

The other three laughed.

"That is not your bussiness, baby.", he leaned and placed a quick peck on Changbin's lips, making the older pout.

"I'll go now and throw up."

"Fuck you San."

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