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✅ Revised

Changbin woke up feeling a wierd pain in his back. It wasn't too much but it went all the way down to his...


He shot his eyes open and found a sleeping Felix.

Holly shit.

He's so cute.

Changbin stared at the beautiful boy under him. A smile appeared on his face as he remembered last night. He had never in his life thought sex could be so wonderful, in fact, he had always thought it was overrated. Now he got it, he was only doing it with the wrong people.

"Am I that pretty that you need to stare?", Changbin came back to earth to find a smiling Felix, rufling the older's hair. His morning voice made Changbin's heart skip a beat.

"You are."

Felix almost melted at the way the older was looking at him, his soft eyes, caring gaze, almost like a loving gaze. It made Felix fell loved indeed.

The blonde leaned and captured the other's lips in a soft kiss, finnishing with a lot of short pecks and making the shorter laugh. They laid back again and Changbin hid his head in Felix's neck right before the zip was heard, Jeongin and Chan's heads popping up.

"Good, you're dressed.", Chan sighed as they saw the tshirts in the boy's bodys. He went in and waved to Jeongin.

"I'll get your things Felix, I'll chose your clothes and pack your shit but you owe me this one."

"LANGUAGE INNIE, JEZUS CHRIST!", Chan heard the younger laugh outside the tent already.

Changbin tighned his grip around Felix and burried his head even more.

"Don't even think about it, you have some explaining to do."

"Come on Chris.", Changbin let go of the blonde and sat up, trying not to show the small discomfort and glared at Chan.

"I see your but is alright so you haven't lost it yet, I was rotting for you Felix."


"He just took it very well.", Felix sat as well and slid his arm around Changbin's shoulders.

"Took what?"

Felix rolled his eyes at a confused Chan.

"My dick, hyung."

Changbin slaped Felix's chest and hide in it the second after while Chan finally understood and started laughing.

"I always knew you were a bottom, Changbin."

"Fuck you."

"Here, Felix.", Jeongin arrived bringing some clothes from Felix's bag and pulled Chan with him.

Inside the tent, the two boys got ready and Changbin gathered all of his stuff, since they were leaving in an hour.

"You're awfully quiet.", Changbin felt Felix hugging him from behind, leaving a trail of kisses from neck to shoulder.

"I'm sorry."


"NO!", Changbin turned around and waved desperatly. "Not at all, really it was the best thing ever.", Felix smilled widely.

"Then what is it?"

Changbin bit his lip.

"I'm just scared of w-what this means a-and, like, what if it makes things wierd, in school and stuf and we were just starting to hit it of and-"

"Changbin, I understand you, okay? I get it and if I were to decide I would just make you mine right here right now but you have much more to think about, about your family and being out and such.", Felix played with a starnd of Changbin's hair and sighed. "I don't know what will happen now, I can't tell you I do because it's not true."

Changbin looked like he was about to cry.


"Yeah, baby?", a tear fell down hearing that name. How he wished he could call him that everyday.

Changbin was in love, but how could he know Felix was as well? He had been so bad to him all those years and even if the other said hemd forgive him that doens't mean he would love him. Yes he just took his fucking virginity but maybe- No, Felix wasn't that kind of person.

"D-do you like m-me?Like in a... romantical way..."

Felix's heart raced as the older's eyes looked for a glimpse of his anwser om his face.

"Yeah...", it came out almost as whisper but Changbin heard and his crying intensified, his hands grabbing Felix's t-shirt. "Hey, Binnie are you o-"

Their lips crashed together as Changbin threw his arms around Felix's neck. It was a short kiss.

"I... I'm sorry, I just...", he couldn't hide his smile anymore so he looked down, flustered.

"Changbin I just confesses and you're acting all wierd, what's going on?"

The older cupped Felix cheeks.

"I'm just happy you like me back."

"B-back?", Felix couldn't believe his ears.

"Yeah, back. I fucking fell for you Lee Felix, and it's not from now, I always had this thing for you and that's why in only weeks you managed to steal my heart, it was already yours to begin with."

Felix hugged the other tightly and kissed his forehead, letting all the new information sink in.

"Fuck Changbin, how the tables have turned."

"YAH.", the older slapped his arm again." I WAS TRYING TO BE CUTE!"

"And now you should try to be on time.", Jeongin appeared and smiled and the boys. "Let's go home, love birds."

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