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Minho was sitting on Jisung's bed, looking at the cealing as he waited for the younger to finnish his morning skincare routine.

"We'll be late, Sung."

"Just wait a damn minute I'm almost over."

The older walked into the smal bathroom and stood at the door, crossing his arms.

"Do you really need to put all this stuf?"

Jisung rolled his eyes.

"Of course I do, my skin needs to be bright and beautiful."

This was Minho's time to roll his eyes.

"Your skin is brighter than my future, Hanie."

The younger finished washing his face and threw himself hugging the older. Minho caught him in his arms and tried not to gasp when he felt Jisung burrying his face in the curve of his neck.

"I love it when you call me Hannie."


Jisung pulled away and smirked, looking at Minho's red face.

"Why are you blushing, hyung?"

"I'm not."

"Yes, you are, are you flustered?", Jisung smiled wildely as he got closer to the older, eyes wandering to his lips. Minho almost got lost on the younger's longing gaze but pushed away in a few seconds.

"Aish. I should have waited for you downstairs."

Jisung pouted.

"Am I reading it wrong?", his voice was almost a whisper and he looked so small. Minho had never seen that look on his friend.

"J-Jisung?", he walked closer as the younger looked at his feet. "Reading what?"

"The signs."

"What signs? What are you... Jisung look at me."

As the boy didn't comply, Minho used his hand to bring the other's chin up, a lonely tear paiting his cheek. Minho whiped it away.

"I thought... you..."


Jisung closed his eyes and let it go.

"I thought you liked me."






No answer.

He opened his eyes to a shocked Minho standing in front of him.


Jisung panicked and grabbed his bag.

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