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"Hey mate, where have you been?", Chan smiled, almost as drunk as the girl in front of him, when he saw his cousin head to him.

"I got distracted, sorry.", Felix smirked as he remembered the Changbin situation.

Felix was quiet. Yes.

Felix was invisible. Yes.

But he was also incredibly confident when he wanted to, and he was everything but innocent.

He also had a great gaydar and even thought Changbin had been bullying him for 2 years and he had heard him being a total homophobe so many times he also knew, for sure, that guy was NOT straight at all. He could deny it as much as he wanted to but all he needed was to get a bit close and the whole "bad guy" thing had completly went to shit.

"You are wierd.", Chan laughed histericly. "This is Lisa, she's nice.", Chan smilled one more time at the girl who looked at Felix.

"Nice to meet you, never seen you before?"

"He's not in our school, he's homeschooled."

Felix found it incredible that Chan still knew how to lie in that state.

The three of them got into a conversation as Felix started to feel the shots of vodka making him laugh loudly at everything the other two said, maybe it hand't been such a bad idea to come to the party.


Changbin had two girls dancing against him on the "dance floor", one grabbing his waist and the other literally almost grinding on his dick. Changbin tried to enjoy it for a while but not even a bonner came out of the situation. Eventually he got annoyed and dismissed the girls, walking over to the sofa and grabbing a random bottle. He carefully searched the room, looking for the boy from earlier, his low toned voice still sending shivers down his skin everytime he thought about it.

There he was.

For some reason, the smile he had on didn't match his voice, nothing on him did, anyway. Changbin found himself staring at the stranger, looking up and down and his heart skipped a beat when the other looked back. He might have felt his eyes on him. Changbin knew he should look away, but he  just couldn't, and when the younger smirked and got back to his converstion, that was it for Changbin, he couldn't take it anymore. He had never felt so annoyed.

He suddenly got an urge to punch the guy.

He walked over, determined to beat the hell out of him but when he got there Chan smilled widely and stuttered.

"Changbin! MY GOOD FRIEND!", he hugged the older almost suffocating him and Changbin pushed him, disgusted by the human contact. Changbin hatet when guys hugged him, even if they were his bestfriends.Chan's drunk self didn't seem to notice. "T-this is F..."

He bent down after Felix hit him with his elbow.

"Yongbok, yongbok.", chan smilled again as if nothing had happened. "He is my cousin and he and Lisa will hook up!", Lisa and Felix laughed at this last part, both knowing the guy was too drunk to think straight. Changbin only rolled his eyes.

"We met."

Felix looked at the older, faking a bored expression, if he had as much effect on drunk Changbin as he thought he had, this would make him annoyed as hell.

"Why are you frowning? Isn't there any girl you'd like to be with right now?", Lisa smiled innocently to the boy.

"They are all boring."

"Maybe a boy?"

Changbin let out a laught.

"Never in my fucking life."

Homophobe [Changlix]Where stories live. Discover now