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The first one to move was Jisung. After Changbin and Chan appeared in the living room everyone stopped dead looking at Changbin's state. His childhood bestfriend walked to him and gave him a reassuring smile, knowing pretty much what had happened or, at least, being able to imagine. Felix couldn't help it but stare, eyes widened and partly wet, tears threatening to fall. Every single boy patted Changbin's back expect for Seungmin and Felix, who were just standing by the door, next to Mrs. Park. Changbin knew everyone was watching, all of his freinds and his brother, but he didn't care at the moment. He slowly walked over to the pair with a soft smile.

"I'm not even going to ask."

"Thanks Seungmin.", the older chuckled and the latter patted his back as he left to go stand next to the others. Felix lowered his head, feeling a tear on his face.


He hummed in response.

Changbin took a hold of his hand and swore he heard his brother gasp.

He's going to make my life a living hell.

Felix looked up to him, tears flowing down his cheeks freely.

"I'm so sorry...", it was almost a whisper.

Changbin caught a glimpse of Mrs. Park smile and rolled his eyes at the guy.

"It's not your fault. Now, are you going to hug me or what?"

Almost immediatly arms wrapped around the shorter's waist, bringing him close. Changbin ignored the muffled chatting in the back and hugged back, burying his head between his neck and shoulder, feeling safe for the first time in so long.

Jezus, he loved him.

When they finally broke it, Felix had a reassuring smile back on his face, his freckles painting it as starts paint the sky, just like Changbin liked them. The shorter took a hold of his hand and intertwined their finger before pulling him to the rest of the group that had settled themselves on the couches. He plopped down next to Chan and Jeongin, ignoring the look his brother gave him from the other couch. He pulled Felix with him and the taller ended up siting in the corner of the couch with Chnagbin between his legs, leaning back against his chest. Their hands still intertwined in Changbin's lap.

"So, am I getting introductions or are you too busy?"

Changbin sighed and started pointing at each one.

"Hyunjin, resident llama drama, Minho, I don't even know he scares me, but it's probably one of the most kind hearted people here, he'll also kill me for saying this. Jisung, childhood bestfriend, Chan, same shit, Innie, maknae, Seungmin, he hates me, Felix.", he ended up pointing behind him and hated how his brother smiled at the younger. He wasn't stupid, all the pieces were together in his brother's mind, but he didn't want Felix to be uncomfortable.

"Nice to met you all, I'm San, Changbin's big brother."

They all greeted back as Mrs. Park and other people, male and female, brought food to the living room, maling the younger's stomach's turn. Jeongin was the first one to attack, now in a conversation with Chan, Seungmin and San, who apparently was more interested in his friends than him.

"Can we go outside? I want fresh air?"

Felix hummed and kissed the top of his head soflty, making him stand up next and following him to the huge gardens, pretending they didn't notice all of the other's following them with their eyes until the front door was closed.

Changbin lead the younger to a bench close to the gate, under a willowtree, and sat down, immediatly clinging onto Felix's chest. The younger chuckled and wrapped his arms around Chnagbin again.

"I was so worried about you, idiot.", Changbin lifted his head to look at the boy.

"I'm sorry. I know I said I'd explain to you all but I need to do it to you firstly." Felix nodded, biting his lip out of nervousness. Changbin couldn't help it but to lean foward and pecking his lips, surprising the boy." Don't bite your lip that's my job."

Felix felt him face burn and looked away, smiling slightly.

"Just speak already."

"Cute.", Changbin whispered. "Basicly, this elwas my dad's doing. He dis it to my brother before, beating and kicking out."

"You got kicked out?"


"What, why?"

Changbin got a hold of Felix's hand and started rubing his thumb on it.

"For the same reason my brother was. Being gay."Felix's eyes widened and he tried to answer but couldn't say a thing. "Someone saw me, not so nicely, drag you to the tent and assumed, well, assumed correctly.", he let out a smal chuckle. "Now I know what you're..."

"It's my fault."

"...thinking. Here we go. Felix.", the shorter got a hold of his other hand and made the younger face him. " It was not your fault, not yours not mine not anyone's but that idiot I used to call dad. It wasn't the first time this happened okay, this time it was just this reason."

"Yes but if I hand't done anything to you I... maybe you aren't even gay you're c-"

"No. I'm not confused Felix I am fucking gay alright.", Felix gulped, he didn't even hold back talking about it now." I always knew, at least I always knew girls weren't my thing. I never felt attraction to another guy before but for you? Felix I swear I have never felt so good in my life, so right.", the younger started crying and Changbin hugged him again. "You're the best thing that has ever happened to me."

"Stop being like this.", Changbin laughed and pulled back, but Felix didn't, which caused them to be extremly close.

"Like what?", the older brushed his lips against Felix's, teasing the guy.

"So sweet."

Chnagbin looked Felix deep in the eyes and sighed, not even thinking about the words that left his mouth after.

"I love you, Felix."

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