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Felix wanted to kill Jeongin.

"How do you have so much energy, what the hell?"


A pillow coming from the other side knocked the small one down, hiting his face.

"I'm going now shut up."

An hour later they were lost somewhere between the other students, trying to find they're friends while the walk started. "Walk", more like torture. It took them almost no time to catch up with the only official couple, Chan and Changbin with them.


"He and Seungmin stood back, apparently Hyunjin is still kind of sick.", Jisung winked at the others.

"Sick, of course.", Chan took Jeongin's side and started a random conversation with the younger. Changbin found himself walking side to side with Felix again, in a comfortable silence.

When they stopped for lunch, the teachers selected a few students to go and pick some dry branches for a fire as well. Even though it was pretty hot they still had to eat and apparently their teachers thought it was a good idea to actually cook for 50 students. Lucky for them they had already reached half of the way. Felix and Chan were coming back, arms full, when they heard a moan. They both stopped there.

"What the f-"

Another moan.

They stared at eachother for a while, eyes wide, before bursting into laughter and running to the river again, where the others were. They helped the teachers settle down everything and then they spotted Jeongin and Changbin playing in the river with a few other students. This part of the river wasn't as calm as the one next to their camp, but it had a lot of big rocks that they could grab, in order to not disapear in the river as Minho was saying last night.

Speaking of Minho.

"Where are the others?"

Changbin stopped attacking Jeongin as Felix's voice was heard.

"They went into the forest a while ago, I don't know why."

The cousins immediatly looked at each other, laughing quietly.

"Come play with us!"

"I don't know Innie, I-"


Felix pinched the bridge of his nose and took of his shirt, since they were all wearing bathing shorts anyway. Changbin followed the younger with his eyes as he got into the water, letting his eyes wander, remembering glimpses from that night one more time. Even though they were on good terms, somedays Changbin almost couldn't take it, his insides twiched everytime he saw the younger, his pants tighened without him even having time to think. This was one of those days apparently.

"CAUGHT YOU!", Jeongin hugged Chan and the older laughed while he was lightly drowned by the little devil." Get Felix, Changbin hyung!"

He didn't have to repeat it, not at all. Changbin launched himself forward only to fall in the water, Felix had gotten away, laughing. He swam with the older behind him to one of the small bays sorrounded by rocks and hide behind one of them, hoping the water splashing agains the rocks was enough to cover his heavy breath. He hadn't swam in a long time.

Suddenly, a pair of arms hugged him from behind, startling the younger. "Caught you.", Changbin whispered in his ear. When Felix thought he couldn't make him blush more the older placed a slow kiss on the back of his neck, sending shivers all the way down Felix's spine. The older chuckled, turning him around.


Felix got lost in Changbin's eyes once again.


The older grabbed his waist, bringing him closer, their noses almost touching. He caressed Felix's cheek and smiled softly.

"You have a freckle that looks like a heart."

Felix's heart was running wild again, his mouth dropped at he comment, his skin sensitive by the touch. They both leaned in, almost unconciously. Their lips slightly brushed before a loud shout made them jump, pulling apart. Changbin cursed the teacher and rolled his eyes. He saw the awkwardness in Felix's gaze, even though he couldn't understand the exact reason, it's not like they hand't been even closer before.

Not at all.

He just got closer to Felix again and kissed his cheek, watching as the younger softned, feeling comfortable again.


"Felix Hyung?"

"What Innie?", Felix closed his book as the younger entered his "room", hands behind his back. The boy made his way to Felix and sat on his bed.

"Are you and Changbin a thing?"

Felix chuckled, trying to look calm.

"You are incredibly direct Innie. No, we are not."

The small boy bit his lip.

"Why? Don't you like each other? You slept together!"

"We were drunk Innie, and I don't know if he likes me, I actually doubt it.", the australian looked down to his lap.

"But you like him?"

"I-i...", he sighed."Yeah, I do."

"Why would you think he doens't like you back?"

Felix looked at Jeongin, uncomfortable with the situation.

"You see, he is still discovering himself, he might be always by my side because I kind of made him find out this side of him, he might just be influenced by that and I don't want to hurt or be hurt."

Innie shrugged.

"Are Minho and Jisung in love?"

Felix furrowed his eyebrows at the question.

"Ahm, yeah. They are, really in love."

"Then he likes you back."


"He looks at you the same way Minho looks at Jisung, when you two think they aren't looking. "Felix's jaw dropped, making Jeongin smirk and get up."You just need to stood being an idiot and do something about it."

Then he walked away.

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