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It was saturday and Felix had to pull Chan out of bed at exacly 6:30 in the morning.


They were going camping with their school.


Because students needed to "come out" of the classroom.

Why is this important?

Because when Mr Park told this to their class, Hyunjin got up and said "Okay, if you insist, I'm Gay everyone.", and Felix thought it was one of the funniest things he'd ever seen.

The last days had been pretty quiet. Felix's popularity kept on growing, specially after people started spoting him with Changbin in the school, their friend groups blending in as if the 8 had known each other for all of their lifes. Changbin was now the main focus of the school though, everyone asking themselves and everyone around them how the homophobe bully could sit at lunch with a bunch of closeted and not closeted queer people and smile at them, instead of beating them. Talking about the boy, him and Felix had been extremly close, not to anyone's surprise. They would always find eachother in every hallway or when switching classes. He would sometimes wait for him and Jisung at their class but forgot Jisung a couple of times. Felix really hated that he was letting the guy grow on him. Changbin was indeed a great person, he had a funny and cute side, that he let out sometimes but only when he was distracted, he LOVED skinship, which was something that Felix never could have thought before. He looked so dark on the outise but his soul and heart were of pure gold.

When the australians finally reached the bus it was already time to leave, Chan sat next to Jeongin and Felix let himself fall beside Changbin, sighing loudly and dramaticly.

"Tsk.", he heard the older." Stop being dramatic."

"But I'm tired."

"You should have slept more."

Felix turned to the older and pouted.

"But I wanted to play."

Changbin chuckled and pecked Felix's forehead, an habit he had caught not long after that night at his place. The younger laid his head on Changbin's shoulder as he felt the bus start. He didn't let himself dive into sleep without intertwining his fingers with Chamgbin's. The older one couldn't help but smile at the sight. Felix had totally stole his heart, he was sure of it. They never spoke about what happened anymore, but they never felt wierd with each other as well. In the beggining, Changbin had felt almost scared, knowing everyone was talking about how he changed, he feared that, somehow, his parents would end up finding out he was hanging out with gay people and do the same thing to him that they did to his brother.

His brother, how he missed him.

He needed to visit after this camp.

He needed to apologize for thinking what they did to him was right all those years.

He played with Felix's hand softly feeling Chan's gaze on him. He looked at his friend and almost cried when he saw Chan's look, the older was so proud of him, of what he had accomplished and how he mannage to accept himself. Felix shifted and burried his face in Changbin's chest making the other two laught. Chan turned back to Jeongin, sitting next to him, and Changbin placed a kiss in the younger's forehead, drifting to sleep not long after that.


"Felix! We're together!", Jeongin entered the tent hand in hand with his cousin and smiled. Felix furrowed his eyebrows.

"When did THAT happen?"

Jeoning blushed and let go of Chan, settling his backpack on one of the "rooms" of the tent. Chan chuckled.

"I don't know what you're talking about Yongbok."


"Okay, okay, calm down", Chan laughed and put his hands up." We'll have a fireplace event in two hours, meet us by my cabin later."


Felix used the two hours he had left before the night to unpack. They were just staying two days, even though it took them almost one to get there. That was still Hyunjin's fault though, they had to stop around 5 times because he was not feeling alright.

"Lix, let's go?"

"Sure Innie."

They both started moving towards the river, where the fireplace event would take place. Felix almost tripped looking at the sky. Far away from the city lights, there were so many stars to be seen, so many pretty drawings in the sky.

They finally arrived and sat next to Seungmin and Hyunjin, the others arriving as well and gathering around the huge fire their teachers had started.

"I told you to meet us at my cabin, Felix"

The blond turned to see Chan and Changbin.

"Shit, sorry I was hungry."

The australian rolled his eyes and Changbin smilled slightly, setting down next to Felix, as per usual. Chan hugged Jeongin from behind gaining a glare from Seungmin.

"I swear to god Chris if you play with his heart I..."

"Never. Plus you are really scary."

Jeongin slaped Chan's arm.

"We are not a thing, guys."

Chan chuckled and let go of the younger and sat down next to his bestfriend.

"He'll come around."

Chan smiled to Changbin, but the younger caught a glimpse of sadness in his eyes.

"It's okay."

"Look who it is.", The group of friends looked up to see Lisa ( I'm not refering to anyone in particular I just needed a random name), one of Changbin's ex cases, probably the only one that happened twice, because of pure pressure and lots of alchool. Changbin felt Felix stiffen. "What are you doing with these people, love?"

"I told you not to call me that.", Changbin growled, glaring at the girl.

"Just stop being an idiot and come to us, or you want people to think you're gay?"

Changbin almost came out to her. Almost. He wanted to so bad, to just see her shocked face as she unserstood he did not care about other people's opinion, but he couldn't. Lisa's familly was way too close with his own and he couldn't risk it for his parents to hear about it. So he just rolled his eyes.

"Just fuck off I'm tired of your annoying voice."

She made a wierd noise and left with her friends behing her. Changbin sighed.

"Think about the positive side."

"What positive side?", Changbin forrowed his eyebrows, everyone staring at Minho.

"We're in the wild.", the boy smirked. "She might accidentally fall of the cliff and get lost in the river."

The eight boys laughed at his comment.

"You are crazy, Minho."

"What? Things like this happen!"

Changbin shyly took a hold of Felix's hand, seeing the younger's face rose as everyone started another conversation.

Changbin had never felt this happy before.

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