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"I still can't believe you topped Changbin!"

Chan rushed into Felix's room at about 6 in the morning, trying to wake him up for school, but instead ended up sitting with his cousin and giving him another hard time about his sexual life.

"Why are you so obsessed with it? You want me to top you as well?"

Chan looked traumatized and made the sign of a cross.

"It's just that I never saw Changbin that... small before. I mean he is small but like, he was so shy all hiden in you it was honestly so wierd but so funny."

"You have problems."

Felix got up and started chosing his outfit before Chan spoke again.

"I'm assuming you two realized you've got feelings for eachother."


"Don't What me Felix I can see it in your face and Changbin deadass told me so don't come at me, just tell me I'm right."

When Felix didn't answer, Chan just smiled.

That was enought of an answer.


Jisung and Minho were watching TV in Minho's apartment, hand in hand and cuddling comfortably while Minho played with Jisung's hair.

"Hey, Minho."

The older turned slightly and pecked his lips.

"What, love?"

"Do you want to be my plus in next weekend's party?"

"The Lee's party?"Jisung nodded."I don't know Ji, I'm not from one of the royal families like you."

"Royal my ass, just a couple of rich idiots thinking they are the best. My parents don't care about your status and all of our friends will be there! I want tou to meet my paremts pleaseeeeeeee!", Jisung used a high piched voice in the last word, making him sound like forever.

Minho chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"Alright baby, alright."


"I hate you."

Hyunjin ran after the boy and grabbed his hand.

"Seungmin I swear to God I didn't do anything!"

The younger boy pushed him away and whiped some of the tears that were falling down.

"Sure, you just magically happened to appear there with your hand in her but."

"I didn't!"

Seungmin rolled his eyes.

"I should have never trusted you."

"Seungmin I-"


The talker boy felt his own tears now, his heart aching at the sight of Seungmin breaking down.

"I know you won't believe me but I swear it wasn't what it looked like.", it felt like a whisper but Ssungmin heard it and shruged, looking Hyunjin in the eyes.

"Too bad, I'm done with this shit. I'm done with you, Hwang."


"So, someone told me you're in love."

This seven little words made Changbin freeze with his fork in his hand, food droping to the plate again. On the other side of the giant dinning table his mom showed a curious and teasing smile.


"She heard it from someone that had their child at your camp, one of your friends. Hasn't spoke about anything since.", his das rolled his eyes, amused.

"My friend said her daughter said she heard your friends saying you were so in love but so oblivious. I want to know her name, do you have a photo?"

Changbin literally started shaking.

"N-no, I don't have a photo."

"Why are you so nervous, kid?", his dad furrowed his brows. "That's not like you as well. I know you've been with a lot of girls already, it's no shame to actually fall for one."

"You d-don't understand, dad, I-"

"Then make me understand."

Changbin's eyes widened as his dad's voice went down an octave. His mom looked at her husband, confused.


The older got up from the chair and walked to his som, glass of wind in hand, almost empty.

"A little bird told me they saw you walking into a tent.", Changbin closed his eyes and felt dizzy all of a sudden." Pulling a boy with you.", he spitted the word as if it were some kind of slur. "And I wanted to know why on earth would you do that, with so many pretty girls on the river, that you could fuck like you usually do.", each word sounded a bit more harsh than the last one.

"I-i... he wasn't feeling okay s-so we went to bed."

"Why did you go with him, then? You could have gone back."

"I wouldn't be a good f-friend."

His father chuckled and finished his wine, only to throw the glass and make it hit Changbin's head the second after. With a shout from his mother and a gasp, Changbin felt his dad lift him up and then fell down to the floor, blood starting to cover his right eye, coming from his forehead.

"Good friend my ass, or should I say your ass?", he kicked the boy's stomach harshly, spiting on him. Changbin felt tears bluring his vision immediatly.

"Darling stop, it's probably n-not that..."

"Shut up! Is there something wrong with you?", he turned to the woman, fiercly glaring at her. "Three kids and two of them are mosters?", as soon as he took a step forward, Changbin's mom started shaking.

"D-don't hurt h-her.", the man turned to Chnagbin again." Just do what you want to me."

The man gladly accepted it and sat down ont op of his son, punching him hard as he spited out the words.


He then got up and kicked the boy one more time.

"I want you out of my house. You have one fucking hour as soon as that is over I'll kill you unless I can't see you."

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