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✅ Revised

Changbin gathered all of his courage and entered the school. He was already late because he almost had given up on going, in the morning. Eventually he mannaged to convince himself he should so now he was arriving just in time to have lunch with his friends. He felt wierd sitting in the same table as Felix and his friends, but then again everything felt wierd. Felix was wearing normal clothes, almost no make up and his hair was a little bit torn appart by the wind and yet, he still looked etheral to the older. He almost didn't notice the sudden style change as he was so focused on not smiling everytime the boy laughed. He hid his face and counted to ten, trying to calm down.

Changbin is a smart boy, he knew exacly what was happening, he just couldn't let it be true.

"And you Changbin, tell us."

The boy looked up.


"Those new hickeys? Now that the others were finally disapearing you got a new set? So is it the same girl or did you just decide to let everyone mark you from now on?"

Changbin lifted his fork.

"Hwang I swear if you annoy me one more time today I will put this up your-"

"ALRIGHT ENOUGHT WITH THIS AGRESSIVNESS", Jisung smilled and Changbin put his fork down, still glarring at Hyunjin.

"Minnie would never let it happed to me, right?"

Seungmin looked up for the first time that day.

"Do I know you?"

They all laughed as Hyunjin pouted and turned to his food.

Changbin stole another glance at Felix and his chest tightened.

He had to get it out or else he was going to die.

"Chan. Can I talk to you real quick?", Changbin whispered to the guy sitting beside him. The older immediatly nodded and they both excused themselvses. Changbin led them to a random place and sat on a bench somewhere in the school, followed by his friend.


Changbin played with his hands.

"You all know I've been an idiot lately."


"More than usual."

Chan chuckled.


Changbin took another deep breath and didn't dare to look at the older.

"I'm assuming Felix told you."

His voice was almost a whisper but Chan understood it. He got closer to his friend and made him face him.

"He did, yes."

"H-how l-long ago?"

"I'm not sure, some days after the party, I think."

Changbin nooded.

"I-I... I'm... AGR.", the guy sinked his face on his hands.

Chan stroke his friend's back.

"It's okay Binnie. I don't know if it was just because you were drunk or not, either way it's totally okay. Mistakes are made. If it wasn't a mistake then you just need time to get used to the idea."

Changbin started shaking his head.

"No you don't get it Chan. i..."

"Calm down, take a breath and tell me everything."

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