[32] ⚠️

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"I love you, Felix."

Changbin almost face palmed as the younger slightly jumped away from his face, not really moving on the bench, but still being too far away for Changbin's taste.


Changbin looked down and scrached his neck.

He fucked up.

He should have stayed quiet.

He would lose Felix now.

A small hand lifted his chin revealing a wild smile on the younger's face.

"What did you just say?"

"I s-said I love y-you."

Changbin wanted to hide in the first hole he could find. He felt his face rose up as Felix studied his expresion.

"You're not joking, right?"

Chnagbin shook his head, saying he wasn't.

"God, Changbin...", Felix scotted closer to him again and cupped his face, connecting their lips in the sweetest kiss they've had so far. Firstly Changbin stood there, heart racing and eyes widened, but as soon as he understood what was happening, his hand flew to the younger's face as he caressed his cheek throught the kiss. There was no lust, no tongue, no rush and nothing but passion between them at that point. They didn't hear the new arrival until the man ckeares his throat. They both got away from each other quickly, only to see Wooyoung standing in front of them with a briefcase and a supermarked bag.

"Wooyoung.", Changbin got up and glanced at Felix. "This is my brother's boyfriend."

Felix got up and shook Wooyoung's hand. The elder smirked.

"So, are you Changbin's boyfriend?"


"Not yet, sir."

Changbin looked at Felix in disbelief, fighting the urge to kiss him again.

Wooyoung smiled softly this time and nooded.

"Let me help you with that."

"It's okay.", Wooyoung lifted the bag to show he was strong enought for the groceries. "But I would come inside, though, the weather is wierd today, the sun will be gone in no time."

The guys nodded and promised they would be right inside. As soon as the other turned to the house again, Felix wrapped his arm around Changbin's waist, felling the older snuggle onto his chest. He ruffled his hair carefully, in a slow and cute way. Felix lowered his head to Changbin's ear and the older felt his heart slip a couple of beats as soon as he started speaking, only to almost stop after.

"I love you too, Binnie."


Changbin was laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling as he heard the shower run in his bathroom.

After they got back in the house, Changbin and Jisung had tried to talk to Seungmin about Hyunjin but the guy really wouldn't listen, there was nothing they could do about it now.

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