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Chan ran his hand throught Felix's hair feeling the boy wake up.

"Hey there, mate.", he smiled weakly.

"Water.", was all Felix was able to say.

Chan quicky rushed downstairs and brought him a cup of water, then helped him sat up and drink it slowly.

"What happened?"

Chan explained to him how he had found him knocked out in the lockers room as they were preparing for PE class and how he had brought him up after the school nurse said so.

"You need to tell me, was it Changbin?"

"Who else would it be?"

Chan sighed and searched for his cousin's hand.

"I'm so sorry Lix, I'm suposed to protect you  and I let my friends do this to you."

"It's okay, I didn't fight back because I didn't want to."

"But why, Felix?", Chan looked at him desperatly, "Do you enjoy getting hurt?"

"Of course not. I promisse Chan hyung next time I'll do it. I'm done with this invisible shit."

Chan smilled widely.


Felix nodded.

"YES! I can't wait to be able to be with you at school and introduce you to my friends, you are goinng to love Jisung I swear he is a good guy! There's Minho, Hyunjin, Jeoning, you'll love them all! And we can stop hanging with Changbin, at least for now.I love him but he hurt you."

Felix pouted. He couldn't tell Chan but he was pretty hurt that he had left him om the ground like that. But he kind of understood. He was pannicking. It was all knew to him.

For a second there Felix felt guilty, but only for a second.


"Is it true?", Jisung asked.


"That you let someone mark you, and for real."

"It must be, he never wears turtle necks.", Hyunjin mocked.

Everyone at lunch had their eyes on something else so Changbin decided to lower his turtle neck just to shut the guys up.

"Holly shit!", Hyunjin laughed while Jisung was just schoked. "Who the fuck gave you those?"



"Someone Hyunjin stop being an idiot."

"Was it Lisa?"

"What, no what the fuck."

Hyunjin scotted closer.

"You never have problems with telling us the girls you hooked up with, why now?"

"None of your fucking bussinnes"

"He's just shy because some girl took over him."

"Not helping, Jisung.", Chan saw the anger form inside of Changbin's eyes.

"Shut the fuck up, will ya?"

With that, the shorter left the table, bringing all the atention to him. Slowly, as he left the cafeteria, everyone got back to what they were doing before.

Hyunjin laughed and looked at the other two.

"I think he isn't telling us because it was a boy."

Jisung looked at him wierdly.

"No way, he's homophobic as hell"

"Most homophobes are gay"

"Not him"

Chan just kept eating, thinking about Hyunjin's suspection.

"Think Jisung. No girl would ever take over Changbin, he would never let his pride be hurt like that."

"But you think he would by a guy?"

"He's a fucking bottom."

Jisung laughed.

"No he aint, he's a top."

Hyunjin laughed louder.

"Honey, believe me, he is a bottom."

Chan had mixed felling about this conversation. Since when did their group talked openly about this kind of things? Since when did they even knew this kind of shit this well? Where they just mocking?


"And how would you know, Jisung?"

"Because I am a bottom, I can recognize a top."

Chan quicly looked at him and Hyunjin stopped moving.


Homophobe [Changlix]Where stories live. Discover now