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The next day was calm, they stayed close to the camp and played games, teased Hyunjin for his hickeys and gagged at Minho and Jisung constant make out. They played volley, hide and seek, ate, sang songs and prepared the last fire event, in which the teachers wouldn't participate because they had to prepare things for the trip back home, the next morning. Therefore, someone managed to get alchool from god knows where, probably the little city next to the forest, and by the middle of the night everyone was extremly drunk already. Everyone except Jeongin, Chan, Changbin and Felix. The last three had drank, but made sure to be sober enough not to do anything stupid.

"Felix!", a guy Changbin had seen before in school ran to them.

"Hi? Do I know you?"

"No, I mean, we have classes together, it's just...", the guy scratched his neck."Basicly my friends dared me to come here and ask for your number because, well, I have a c-crush on y-you."

Silence e filled the group. Chan clapped his tonge and looked away, knowing his bestfriend was killing the guy with his gaze.

Felix opened his mouth and closed it again, not knowing what to say.

"Ahm, give me your phone, then."

Changbin watched as the guy smiled and took his phone out of his pocket, handing it to the australian. He felt his chest tighen and bit his lip. He didn't want that to happen, but he couldn't stop him, could he? They had nothing, so... he couldn't.

But when Felix started typing his name, Changbin jumped out of the bench and everyone looked at him.

"Chagbin Hyung?"

He grabbed the phone and handed it back to the guy, pulling Felix by his arm next, leaving everyone completly shocked behind him.

"Changbin Hyung, what are you doing?", Felix rushed behind him as the older dragged him to the camp. They passed some random kids that had already went back and Changbin leaded them to his and Chan's tent. He opened the zip and shoved Felix inside, making the younger almost fall to the ground.

"Changbin, what the fuck?"

The older got in and closed the zip behind him, looking as mad as Felix had ever seen him. That was the same face he had everytime he beat the shit out of him, this time thought, he took a few quick steps and grabed the younger's face crashing their lips together.

Felix's eyes widened at the contact, his stomach twitching and his heart skiping a beat. He only started kissing back when Changbin pulled him by his waist, making their bodies touch. Felix's hands made their way to the older's hair, slightly pulling it as the kiss deepened, both tongues fighting for dominance. This time, Changbin won, his rage was easily felt, his agressivness, his desire.

Holly shit.

Felix breathed out after the pulled away and Changbin looked him in the eyes before pulling him by the hand to his "room" and making him fall in the thin matress that layed on the ground, then got between his legs and attacked the younger's neck, making sure to mark him. Felix was already a moaning mess and Changbin hadn't even done half of what he wanted to.

The older grabbed the back of Felix's neck and crashed their lips again, only to trail a line of kisses down his jawline, to his sweet stop on the neck, one he could still remember from the first night they spent together, and bit down hard, making the younger moan loudly, arching his back. He sucked on the skin until there was a pretty red mark that would soon be purple or even black. He took of the younger's shirt and started kissed and sucking in his chest and abbs, making the other moan louder everytime.

"Sush princess, you'll get us caught."

Felix felt even harder after that, watching carefully as the other unbuckled his belt and slowly took of his pants, smirking all the time. Before Changbin could turn back to him, though, Felix sat down and got a hold of Changbin's neck, surprising the other male. Changbin gasped when he felt the matress on his back, Felix now sitting on his lap, only with his boxers on.

"It isn't fair if I'm the only one undressed now, is it?"

Changbin gulped.

"I asked a question."

Felix grinded down hard and made the older whine,eyes closed. He moved his head, saying no, feeling something he had never felt before.

Felix tighned his grip around the older's neck and moved again, slowly and hard. Changbin's eyes shot open, his breath heavy.

"Words, babyboy."

"N-no, it wouldn't."

Felix smirked at the chocked boy in front of him, his gloomy eyes almost closing as he slowly sliped into sub space.

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