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Changbin woke up on Saturday and immediatly wished he could fall asleep again. Unfortunatly for him and his depressed ass, the gardners had already started working. He looked at his bed watch. 11:30 am.
He slowly got up and went to his bathroom, not wanting to look in the mirror. He knew his eyes would be puffy given how much he had cried last night. He got a sweater on without even taking his pijamas off and rushed downstairs to grab some food. His parents were never at the Seo mansion in the morning or afternoon because of business, but his sister should be around. He asked some of the maids about her and eventually they told him she was at the pool, where Changbin headed right away. He didn't even care about how he was dressing, his large pijamas with teddy bears and a black random sweater, his glasses because he couldn't find it in him to search for his contacts and some random slippers that weren't even his.
As soon as he saw the girl he ran to her and hugged her from behind. She smiled, knowing exacly who that was.

"Binnie, sweatie, I missed you so much!", she turned around and embraced the younger. "I brought you some things from my trip and... Binnie, look at me."

He slowly lifted his head and sighed.

"Why have you been crying?"

Changbin looked down and felt tears forming again, threatning to come down. He felt so small right now.

"I just had some... problems."

"Honey, you can tell me anything, you know?"

Changbin sighed and sat on a garden bench as his sister grabed some sunscreen and started covering his face so he wouldn't get burnt.

"I'm not even sure I can say it out loud.... I really fucked up this time."

His sister finnished and got a hold of his hands.

"Changbin, I understand if you aren't ready to talk about it yet, and I am not going anywhere, not mentally at least, I'll be here for you no matter what."

Changbin smilled but felt his heart ache. Was she really? If he ever told his father or mother what he had done he would be dishonored for sure, he would be kicked out of one of the royal famillies. The embarassment...

"Even if I...", he couldn't finnish the sentence as he burst into tears. His sister hugged him close and whispered in his ear.

"Don't worry Binnie. I said no matter what.Unless you killed someone."

He smilled between sobs and for a moment, everything seemed to be okay again.

"Do you know what you need?"

"What?", he straightned up and looked at her while she whiped the remainings of his tears.

"A party!"

Changbin rolled his eyes. Even if his sister was three years older than him she would still behave as a 18 year old that had just been allowed to drink without having to run from the police.

"I'm really not in the mood."

"No discussion, we are going to my friend's tonight."

She then left screaming that she would make lunch for them, even though there were cookers for that. Changbin just stood there, looking at the water.

It was at a party that it happened.


" You, Lee Felix, are a really wierd human being.", Jisung stated as he heard their story. " But I owe you an apology, and a big one, I should have never let Changbin be so mean to you, it's just... I was scared you know, even though I totally snaped at him the other day I freacked out after, the thought of him knowing I disagreed with him made me so scared."

"It's okay Han, don't worry I know. Plus my own cousin ignored it so..."

"We had a deal Felix don't make me look like the bad guy now."

They all laughed.

"Never thought Hyunjin would be gay, though.", Minho talked for the first time.

"Or Seungmin.", the red haired slapped Felix's arm.

"I never said I was."

"Whatever any kind of person attracted to guys."

"Never said I was that either."

"Really?", Jisung laughed." Your little make out session earlier doesn't agree with you."

Seungmin rolled his eyes and focused on his ice cream.

All of a sudden Chan laughed and everyone looked at him as of he were crazy.

"Dude, what the hell has gotten into you?"

"It's just...", Jisung raised his brow, still waiting for an answer as the older chuckled." All this time I was so damn worried about this whole gay shit and turns out you two are gay."

"I am not-", Seungmin was cut short as Hyunjin laughed, not even dennying it.

"Wait, do you mean you are gay too?", Jisung's eyes went wide.


Hyunjin smirked.

"The homophobe squad only has two straight guys after all."

Felix and Chan looked at each other and smiled, Felix getting a little bit red in the process. None of them noticed Jisung's blush, and his eyes averted to the ground.

"Anyway, I have an idea.", Minho almost shouted. "How about we go and celebrate this gayness to my friends party?"

Jisung's smile widened immediatly.

"Which friend?"

"It's actually my cousin's friend, he is older, but has great parties.

Chan smiled and everyone agreed.

"Sure, why not."

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