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Changbin walked throught the halls on Monday, wishing he was dead. The morning after he kissed Felix he only felt worse than before, he couldn't remember most of their conversation and he surelly didn't remember if it was just his imagination pranking him or if he had hugged Chan. He didn't mind covering his neck again, so he knew most of the looks were for his marks. Yes, the "no one can mark me" guy had marks, what a big deal. They were finally starting to fade and Changbin didn't know how to feel about it. For the last days he had looked himself in the mirror and hated every single one of those markings for what he had allowed himself to do. He just couldn't understand. WHY?

He spent most of his morning classes with his head low ignoring all of the stares. When he finally entered the caffeteria he sat with his two bestfriends and Hyunjin.

"Looks like someone wants to show their marks."

"Cut it Hwang I'm not in the mood."

"Sorry princess, just commenting.

"Sure, whatever."

Jisung waved at Minho and Seungmin and motioned them to sit with them.

"Changbin, Minho, Seungmin. Be nice."

Changbin forced a small smile and scooted asside so that they could fit. He could deal with his friends being gay. He could.

He ate the rest of his lunch ignoring the whispers about Minho on their table. The homophobe and the bissexual kid actually had a conversation, news of the day.


Changbin took his time in the loocker room, he was always the last one to shower so he wouldn't have to be among other boys naked bodies. This time he literally waited until everyone else was dressed and away from the showers. He got in and quicky washed, grabbed his towel and put it around his waist. When he came back Jisung was the only one in the loocker room.

"I would wait for you but I don't feel like it."

"You stayed behind just to tell me that?"

"Of course no, I'm waiting for Felix."

Changbin felt his heart race.


Suddenly the door to the gym oppened and the boy walked in, still in his sport clothes. He walked like he didn't see Changin and gave Jisung a phone.

"Thanks dude, I can't believe I almost forgot it."

"No problem."

"Well, goodbye guys."

He left the room without another word, leaving the two alone.

Felix walked over to a loocker and took out his things, then seetled them on the oposite side of the changing room.

"I'll get undressed now, if you don't want to feel tempted, don't look."

He had already taken of his shirt and he was now sliding his jeands down.

Changbin gulped.

"As if."

Felix chuckled and finally got his jeans of, turning to changbin and seeing his eyes travel ti the younger's abs.

"It wouldn't be the first time."

Changbin felt his whole body shake.

"Lee Felix, hear me out because I'll only say this one time.", he walked over to the younger trying to ignore the fact that they were both almost naked. " I was drunk and that was the only reason why ANNYTHING happened. I have accept my friends but I will never be attracted to a guy in my fucking life."

He almost spited the last words and he felt pretty confident about his speach until Felix grinned. He tried to back of a few steps but the younger already had his wrist. He dragged him over to the shower stals and pinned him to the wall with no mercy.

"Never, you say?"

"Yah, what are you d-", Felix attacked his neck once more and his voice cracked as he felt his skin being sucked over the bruises it already had. This time Felix was slower and marked him in less places, but the older couldn't find it in him to stop him anyway.

"That doens't seem like never to me.", the younger whispered inches aways from the other's lips.

Changbin didn't want to seem fragile, but he knew he looked like a mess right now. His breath discoordenated and his new few hickeys growing purple. He knew what was coming and he didn't really care anymore.

Felix felt his lips on him again, kind of surprised the older was the one to connect them. Changbin kissed him urgently, throwing his hands around the younger's waist and bringing him closer.

"Eager, are we?", Felix asked between kisses.

"Shut up.", this time Changbin attacked the other's neck, leaving his spare of hickeys along the way. Felix made his best not to react that much, he shouldnm't forget what he was doing. Changbin gasped as he felt the cold wall pressed against his back, their dicks grinding, not too protected.

Felix tried to get away to speak but Changbin kept on kissing him so he grabbed his neck and pushed him making his head slighly hit the wall as well.

"For someone who isn't into guys, you sure get a booner pretty q-", Felix then saw Changbin's face and got shivers down his spine. Panting and eager, his eyes begged for more. His hair was a complete mess just as himself. Felix thought he looked etheral. Then he thought of something. He slowly tightened his grip around Changbin's neck, only to see his eyes grow wider and his mouth open a bit more.

Felix couldn't help but to chuckle. Then got close to him again and whipered in his ear.

"Looks like somebody has a kink."

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