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Well I am finnished with this story, now I will keep updating the next chapters for the next few days as well as I revise them from the beginning. Thankyou if you are still here <3
Hope you're enjoying it :)


Changbin hadn't been in school that day and none of Felix's messages had an answer, which worried him A LOT.

Changbin was always fast to answer him, and it was not like him to miss school, because of his strict familly. He even thought about passing by his house but he was so scared of his parents that he just shrugged it off and tried to focus on the lessons.

Failing miserably.

His stress levels had been up those past two days. On monday Changbin had spent hours with his brother and Felix heard him talk about how he regreted not doing it earlier and how he missed him so much for hours in a phone call, but the younger was happy for him. The next day Changbin kind of backed of from whatever their relationship was, always close to him but never touching and never looking him in the eyes. Felix understood it, though it hurt a bit, but he had an accepting family and the school didn't know him as an homophobe, Changbin needed time.

And new parents.

Felix bit his lip, suddenly a worry in his mind.

"Hey, Seung?" The other hummed in response. "What if Changbin is missing because his parents found out?"

The latter stopped writing and looked up, a certain amount of concern in his eyes.

"How would they know?"

"I don't know, but I hope that's not it."

Seungmin placed his hand on Felix's.

"Don't stress too much, we'll hear from him soon enough", he tried to offer him a soft smile but it felt fake.

"What about you? What's the matter."

Seungmin shighed, turning back to the lesson and writing down.

"Hyunjin and his new girlfriend."

"What the fuck? Hyunjin's gay and in love with you why the hell would he get a girlfriend?", Felix got even more confused after Seungmin ket out a dry chuckle.

"Saw them myself, kissing in the dressing rooms"

Then silence took over, both boys with other boys in their minds.


It was exacly 9 pm when San got up from the dinning table to open the door of his mansion. He had already dismissed every worker so he turned on the garden lights and pulled his jacket closer, walking over to the gates.

What he saw there made his heart fall to the ground.

"What on earth happened to you, Bin?"

The latter opened the gates and glanced at his brother's bruises, his face starting to get dark in certain spots, half covered in almost dry blood from a deep cut in his forehead. He walked bended, as if he could not stand up and he had a backpack and a gym bag in his hand. The older glanced up amd down and frowned in question.

"Honey? What...", Wooyoung ran to the pair as soon as he saw them. "What the fuck happened to you, kiddo?"

He reacted quicker than the other, taking a hold of his gym bag and signaling him to come in.

"I'm sorry to barge in, I know I only came back to your lives like two days ago."

San almost started crying. Even his voice was raspier than usual, he was in a lot of pain for certain.

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