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The six stood in front of a big house, not as big as some of their mansions, but still pretty huge for the average.

Felix was feeling a bit uneasy in his outfit. He had white ripped jeans on and a see through black shirt, leaving his back exposed ( think about Lee Know's outfit for their 2pm cover) and some random acessories. He had his makeup done but got lazy and the last bits of his balck eye could still be seen. He knew he was kiling it, but after so much time being invisible he didn't know if he wanted that much atention. Of course he had been there before, not long ago, in that position. He got quite a lot of atention at the last party but back then he was going as Yongbok, the random guy that no one had ever seen before. Right now he was ready to embrace his own new life.

The door opened to a drunk guy that said something about an old vase and a forbiden room as walked away to let the boys in. As it was expected, the party was filled with college students instead of the usual high schoolers, and yet, there was almost no diference in their behaviour.

Chan handed him a cup of something and he just drank it feeling the alchool down his throat, not really caring about what exacly it was. He searched the house for familiar faces and caught a glimpse of the one kr two people he'd see before that danced here and there, a couple of people making out, some bored phone users and some guy crying on the corner with his friends around him.

Seemed normal.

"Hey, how about we go to the kitchen for a while? I need to find something better than this.", Jisung laughed as him Chan and Felix went to the division. Before they mannaged to actually get in there they overheard a conversation. It was a guy and a girl almost screaming over the music. Chan opened the door to the kitchen but they didn't seem to notice the three boys.

"If I knew you were going to be like this I would have never brought you.", the girl tried to take his drink but the shorter escaped.

"You were the one that said I should forget.", his voice sounded lazy, as if he were trying hard to speak.

"Changbin you are completly drunk, please let me get you home."

"NO I AM HAVING F-", his smile dropped as he saw the three boys standing at the door.

His sister looked between them and saw the mood change. She knew the problem was there. Whatever made her brother drink that much was there.
Chan was the first one to move. He got closer to the younger and took his drink.

"What the hell happened to you dude?", Chan couldn't even start to describe how broken Changbin looked. His eyes were so painful to look at.

Changbin just looked at his feet and felt his tears starting to fall.

"I-i... I'm s-sorry..."

Jisung was now next to Chan. Changbin looked at his sister as she stood by his side.

"Care to explain what happened?"

Chan looked at Changbin and the younger nooded, knowing that was not his biggest problem, but still part of the reason why he was that way.

"Changbin has a really closed mind. Turns out he is homophobic and we are both into boys.", Jisung slowly spole as he saw her eyes widen.

Changbin was taken aback by the both. He figured Jisung was into Minho by now but Chan? Then it hit him. What if Chan knew what he had done? What if Felix had told him? He quicly looked at the door in search for the younger but he was no longer there. He felt his sister slap his head.

"Don't tell me you have still been bullying people. I thought I taught you that our parents beliefs are wrong.", she looked down on her brother and sighed." I'll let you with your friends now, text me if you need me."

She said her goodbyes and glared at her brother one last time leaving the trio in an awkward silence ( KA KA KA).

Changbin took a deep breath.

"I know you guys w-will probably n-not forgive me but I wanted to s-say I am really sorry f-for.." he was interrupted by a giggle. Chan was gigling." W-what?"

"It's just funny how mad I was at you just 5 minutes ago and now you look so small and I just want to hug you because you seem so fucking broken but I can't because you hate skinship and-", Changbin burst into tears and threw himself and the older leaving him shocked. He quicky hugged him back as he felt Changbin bury his head on his chest. He looked at Jisung and the latter looked just as lost.

"I'm r-really sorry I d-don't want t-to lose you g-guys.."

Chan patted his head, still wierded out by the unusual touch.

"You are a prick and I'll try to forgive you eventually. I never told you I was gay, I'm still in the closet for most people. As long as you stop being a prick, or at least try, I won't hate you at least.", Jisung said as Changbin finally let go of Chan. " Now enough drinking, we'll take care of you for the rest of the night so you don't mess up."

"You know you could at least have covered those hickeys. No one will want you like that.", Chan played but Changbin shruded his shoulders and walked out of the kitchen with them.

"It's not like I want anyone tonight either."

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