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Changbin was now in even more pain. After the confession he just couldn't help it but laugh at the dumbfounded faces in front of him. San's eyes couldn't get any bigger and Wooyoung's mouth had totally dropped. The guy laughed for way to long, causing his ribs to hurt even more, then proceeded to lay back down with small whines that made the other two come back to reality.

"W-what the fuck did you just say?", San was still in his knees, next to Changbin and he's eyes still widen in complete disbelief. He turned his face a little towards the side, as if he didn't believe his ears were okay.

"I said I am gay."

The simplicity in those words still felt wierd to Changbin, and his heart was still racing everytime he had to say them, but it felt good.

"I did not expect this turn of events.", Wooyoung started laughing with the youngest and kneeled next to his boyfriend, staying with the brothers. San let a small smile appear on his face, his eyebrows still furrowed though.

"I'm... I'm honestky shocked.", the older brother let out a chuckle. "I never thought."

Changbin laid his head back and closed his eyes.

"Me neither."

"I don't want to sound like an idiot and I do not doubt you but, are you sure?"

Changbin let his smile grow.

"Absolutely, believe me."

San caressed his brother's hand.

The bell rang.

"The pizza is here, let's get you fed and tucked in bed, I'll call your school, there's no way you're going tomorrow."


Felix almost dropped the phone when he saw Changbin's name on the screen. He picked up at the lunch table, under everyone's curious eyes.


"Hey Lix."

"What the hell happened?"

"I'm sorry, I'll explain everything, that's why I'm calling, can you bring the guys to the address I'm going to text you after school?"

"Sure, count on me."

"Thankyou Lix, you're the best."

The younger blushed slightly as he ended the call and faces the others.

"Changbin wants us to go to him after class."

"That was him?", Chan asked.

"Yeah, He said he'll explain whatever has been happening, he sounded really tired."

Jisung and Chan looked eyes, trying not to be caught by anyone else.

"But I get out earlier than all of you today.", Jeongin pouted and Chan ruflled his hair.

"I do too, I'll see you at the gate and we can go first, these guys only have another class after."


When the bell rang, San got up from the couch and rushed to the mansion's door, knowing Mrs Park would let the boys in the garden. He had been waiting for them all day like a lonely child.

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