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✅ Revised

The moment he rang the bell, he started panicking.

What was he even going to say?

Hi, brother nice to see you again.

So, did you enjoy all of your years without me?

I'm sorry about the whole neglecting thing and hating you because you're gay.

Wanna know something fun?

I'm gay.

Yeah, I know, I know...

I fucked a guy and bum, life realization.

Anyway sorry again, no grudges?

Changbin shook his head. What was he even thinking.

His head shot up when an old lady appeared at the gates.

"Can I help you, young man?"

Changbin cleared his throat, playing with his fingers.

"I-i was looking for San."

"And who are you?"

"Ahm... I'm not sure he'd want to see me if you told him but... I'm his brother.", Changbin saw the woman's eyes lit up and she immediately opened the gates. "Wait, you're not asking him?"

"No way, he'll be so happy if it's a surprise."

Chnagbin stood there, confused.


"Look, I know what happened between mister San and his familly, but he never stopped talking about his younger brother and how someday he hoped to be forgiven."

"To be forgiven? I came here to ask for HIS forgivness!"

Changbin chuckled along with the lady, before she pulled him inside.

"He's in his office, dealing with some paperwork.", they entered the huge house and pulled him to a large living room. There stood another male, his head in his hands as an online meeting happened right in front of him, something in which he was, apparently, not quite interested.


The male looked up and smiled warmly at the lady.

"Mrs Park, please I hate that, you're making me feel old.", then his eyes fell on Changbin. "And who do we have here?"

"San's brother."

The male's chin fell as he walked closer to the younger.

"So you are the famous Changbin... I'm Wooyoung.", Changbin saw how hesitant he had become when it came to shake his hand, so he took it and smiled at the man.

"San's boyfriend, I know. You guys are pretty cute."

The male in front of him seemed pretty confused.

"Don't take this the wrong way but, aren't you supposed to be a huge homophobe that hates touching any kind of gay people?"

"Busted.", Changbin frowned. "I used to, then I stopped being a dick."

And started liking dick.

Changbin almost laughed as his own mind. He had became way too comfortable with his sexuality in such a short period of time. It honestly scared him.

Wooyoung smiled widely and engulfed Changbin in a hug, then let him go as quick.

"I'll get him for you, wait here."

Homophobe [Changlix]Where stories live. Discover now