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✅ Revised

To say Changbin felt good was an understatmemt. Felix was like a drug, and he would never recover from it. As soon as he managed to get all of him inside, Felix pulled him into a hug. Changbin couldn't help but think about the situation. The fact that Felix was siting as well only made his member go deeper, which made Changbin whine in approval, feeling filled. For a moment there, none of them moved. Felix leting Changbin ajust to the new position, leting his body slowly relax like his mind. He started placing small kissed down his collarbone and was surprised, to say the least, when Changbin moved without warning, making the younger gasp, his hands quickly wraping around his waist to help the movements. As soon as they started picking up the pace, someone knocked at the door, making both of them freeze.

"Are you guys okay, do you need anything?", San's voice was heard on the other side.

Chnagbin let himself slide all the way down, siting on Felix again as the younger pulled him closer.

"W-we're good."

Felix laughed at the struggle as the boy twitched, desperate to move. The younger started kissing his neck and pretended to fix his position on the bed just so ne could slighly move inside the other. Changbin's eyes widened and his head fell back again.

"Are you sure, you sound wierd."

"I-m f-fine!"

"Changbin?", his brother sounded worried.

Felix took his oportunity to slowly thrust into him, making his hips move along. Changbin glared at him but his expression changed not even one second after, as the younger pulled him as down as he could, making his member slowly pressure his prostate. The younger let out a small whimper and felix chuckled.


"Jezus Christ let me fuck, San!"

Both Felix and San's eyes widened at the words, Changbin not caring and making Felix lie down, starting to ride him at a quicker pace, making the younger moan, slightly muffled.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!", San shouted but Changbin didn't hear him anymore, he heard nothing but Felix's soft moans and his own breathing.

"C-changbin. Shit."

The older felt good having him moan his name, he should do it more often. He went even faster, needing Felix's help when his prostate got hit again, his whole body shaking. Felix star up again and gold a hold of Changbin's neck, chocking him ond more time. He then grabbed his towel and, under a curious look, made a wierd knot with it before tying Changbin's hands behing his back.

"I promissed.", the younger said, knowing Changbin was not hearing him at all.

One hand on his neck, the other on his arms, keeping then back in case he managed to untie the knot, the younger helped him ride even faster and had to hold him again when his prostate got hit multiple times in a row, making the younger let out a half scream half moan that would certaintly be heard in the whole 1st floor.

"I'm almost there, flower, come with me?"

Changbin locked eyes with Felix as soon as he hit it, kissing his deeply as he felt his hole being filled with cum. He gasped one last time and let himself completly fall into Felix's embrace.

They stayed like this for some time until the younger pulled out of him, making a sleepy Changbin lay on the bed. He proceeded to pick him up, bridal style, and carry him to the bathroom.

"Round 2?"

Felix laughed as he heard the older.

"In you dreams, this shit is tiring, you know?"

He turned the water on and started carefully washing the older. He was still lost in his own head space and it was honestly the cutest thing in the eyes of the blond. He washed his head, even thought the latter had done it before, and let the warm water run through him until he came back to reality. When they were in the bed again, now dressed with Changbin's shirts and sweatpants, Felix pulled the older close to him and laughed at how much effort it took him to open his eyes.

"Sleep, baby.", he places a soft kiss on his bis firehead and he felt the other cuddle up to him.

"I love you, Felix.", he whispered before sleep took over him.

"I love you too, Bin, more than you can imagine."

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