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The three guys stood by the door, looking at the Lee mansion. It was full of life, the people, dressed in fancy clothes, walked along the garden or inside, food being served everywhere, music playing in the background, not too old but not too young. Changbin led his brother and his boyfriend until he found Hyunjin talking to a girl. He frowned, wandering if that was the girl Seungmin had been talking about. He spotted Jisung and Minho laughing with the younger's familly and stopped to say hi, dealing with all the introductions and some awkward looks.

"Dad, don't be wierd."

"I know you guys are friends but his familly is filled with homophobes. You are dating a guy, you sister is dating a girl, how can you be friends with him?"

Changbin didn't let Jisung defend him, he took a step foward and bowed to the couple, Jisung's mom with a confused face.

"With all the due respect, sir, but I am not my family. In fact, I am, but I am not my dad. I was an idiot growing up, specially because of his influence and I admit I have caused harm to your son."

"It was nothing, really."

"Shut up Ji, let me talk."

The couple couldn't help but chuckle a bit at the interaction. Changbin looked over at his brother and San walked over to him, if they were going to expose their dad then they should start already.

"I'm San, Changbin's brother.", He bowed to the couple and tried not to laugh at their faces as he said the next sentence. "That's Wooyoung, my boyfriend."

"Their dad kicked them out.", Jisung barged in the conversation, getting the couple's atention immediately.

"Why?", his mom got closer to Changbin.

"He's a homophobe, he couldn't accept my relationship so I stopped being his son."

Jisung's mom immediately took his hand to her mouth as she stroked San's arm.

"That is terrible, I can't believe that man.", Jisung's father rolled his eyes and turned around, as if looking for the said person.

"But, wait, you said you were both kicked out.", the woman looked between Chnagbin and her husband, his eyes also closing slithly, as if trying to read him.
Jisung let out a chuckle and caught everyone's atention. Felix was standing right there, next to Changbin, a smile plastered on his face.

"Felix, what an honour to be in your presence, and your family's."

"Please, Mr and Mrs Han, I hate formalities. I'm your son's close friend."

"Do I know you?"

"Seriously Ji?", the latter laughed and hugged the blond, under his parent's shocked gaze. Their son was friends with the heir of the richest family in Korea.

When he finally got away from Jisung's hug he smiled at Changbin and leaned in, capturing the older's kiss in a short kiss. He could sence Jisung's parents gaze on then, but he couldn't care less.

"I missed you.", he pouted when they let go. Changbin rolled his eyes.

"Felix, you saw me two hours ago."

"And you've been staying over these last few days.", Wooyoung spoke, trying not to laugh.

"Well, I guess that was your answer, honey.", Jisung's mom nooded, smiling at the boys as her husband was still a little bit shocked.

"Come on, my family is waiting."


"To meet you.", Changbin's eyes widened.


Felix rolled his eyes and pulled him with him.

"Nice to see you guys, Jisung, Minho, meet us at the balcony at midnight."

"What are you, cinderella?"

"Shut up Jisung.", this time Mrs Han voice sounded and the other laughed, parting ways after that.


"Hey, Bin!" Chan hugged the guy slightly and looked at him. "Damn, you look good."

Felix snapped his fingers at his cousin.

"Go fetch your boyfriend and leave him alone."

The two couples next to them laughed and the boys finally turned their atention to them.

"So who are we meeting exacly, son?"

Chan laughed and crossed his arms, ready for the drama.

But before any of them could talk, Hyunjin and Minsung appeared out of nowhere, Jeongin also with them, just a little bit behind.

"It's him, I should have known."

"Calm down, Hyunjin. Who?"

Felix and Changbin both got a hold of Hyunjin's arms, pushing him into a bench next to Felix and Chan's family. The latter had embraced Jeongin under his parents and uncles curious gaze.

"He's here."

"Wait." Changbin turned to Felix and cursed under his breath. "I think I know what's going on, the ghosts arrived, right?"

Hyunjin nooded.

"It'a him. Seungmin's the heir."

Homophobe [Changlix]Where stories live. Discover now