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Felix kissed him and released his neck for the time being, letting the savage rythm come back as their dicks worked together. He got tired of his boxers and took them out, leaving Changbin only with his towel. The older looked at Felix's erection and almost felt like getting on his knees for him. Almost.

Felix kissed him again and grabbed his towel, without taking it of.

"Let me check something out."

He ripped his towel of leaving them both naked. For a while he only looked at the older, his boody sculped like a goddam work of art. Then, he proceded to grind his dick against Changbin's. The loud moan that came out of the older's mouth made Felix turn on the watter next to them. They couldn't be heard.

"Shhhh, don't missbehave.", he caught his neck again and stopped grinding as hard, he looked at Changbin's eyes and saw only lust, even a bit of despair. He really had the kink.

Felix got on his knees fast and got a hold of Changbin's member. He looked up and Changbin couldn't help it but think he looked beautiful.

"Don't make too much noise, babyboy."

There it was again, the feeling that made Changbin want to scream his lungs off. As the younger got faster he had to hold on to the shower behing him, making the water start there as well, but Felix didn't stop, he just went faster and faster until Changbin couldn't take it anymore. His muffled moans got louder as his body got weaker.

"F-felix...", he moaned as he came in the younger's mouth. Half of it going with the water.

Felix got up and cupped his hands, getting water to clean his face. Then he looked at Changbin and the older knew immediately that there was something in the younger mind.

"Now I need to solve my problem."

Changbin saw as he got closer to him and gulped looking down. He reached for his dick but Felix grabed his hand and chuckled.

"No baby, not like that."

Changbin felt the wall again but this time on his face. Felix had him facing the wall and pushed his hips backwards.

"W-wait what a-are you doing?"

He started panicking as he felt the younger hug him from behind.

"Don't worry, just relax.", he whispered in his ear.

Changbin felt like his heart wanted to run away. Felix kissed his back and his hands carressed his hips. He could feel his hand going down onto his member and stroking it.l, slowly.

When he felt Felix's member behind him he put both his hand above his head on the wall, closing his eyes fiercly.

Felix positioned himself on his entrance and Changbin gasped, hating himself for liking the feeling. The younger stroked Changbin's back as he moved a little, not into him but around his whole, teasing Changbin. The latter moaned and threw his head back. His heart still racing like crazy.

Felix smirked and leaned foward, he caught Changbin's neck and positioned his other hand in his waist. The self control he needed to be in that position without banging the shit out of the guy was starting to be too much for him to handle so he had to end it quicly.

"Never, was it? Well you seem pretty fond of it now. "

Changbin felt his hole strech a little as Felix slowly made pressure, not really entering the older.

"F-felix, please.", he mannaged between moans.

"Do you realize what you are begging for right now, Changbin?"

The older nodded desperately and moved against the younger. Felix almost lost his calm and grabbed Changbin's waist harder.

He took a deep breath, making one last move and slowly entered the older, only the tip of his member, not even all of it as he fet his hole strech slightly. He almost lost it again when he heard the older scream. It was half scream half moan, but still hella sexy.

Felix kissed his back one more time amd waited for some seconds, then he took it out, getting away from the other one. Changbin turned back looking at him, confused.

"Just have another bath, you need it."

He was about to walk away when Changbin grabbed his hand and pulled him back.

"What the fuck are you doing Lee? You can't just leave like this."

His voice sounded desperate and Felix needed all his strengh not to just fuck him right there.


"Please, Felix, I-i...", he was panting and didn't know how to say anything. Tears started forming and threatning to come down as he saw Felix's serious look. He turned around to hide his face.

Felix sighted and turned off both showers, turning Changbin to him. He got his towel back and put it around the older's waist as he did the same with his towel. Then he looked at the older. He carefully removed his hands from his own face and made him face him.

"Changbin, listen to me. Right now you are confused as hell and I am not going to do anything that can make you even worst. This was just for you to understand quicker that it wasn't because you were drunk."

So he just did it to prove a point?

Changbin hated himself for feeling sad.

"I'm sorry if I was too agresssive or something.", he then cupped the older's cheeks and looked him dead in the eye, while wiping away his tears.

"You need some time to yourself, just to think and so."

Changbin felt more tears coming and looked at the younger with pleading eyes.

"I'm sure you'll be fine in the end."

Felix smilled and lead the older to his things and quickly got dressed. Whe they were both done Felix went up to him again. He adjusted his coat so that less hickeys were seen and ruffled his hair.

"You are ruining my bad boy image."

Felix felt happy that Changbin was able to joke.

"You already don't have it."

Then he hugged Changbin.

And Changbin hugged back. He just couldn't help it. He snuggled his head in the younger's neck and wrapped his hands around his waist. After a while, Felix kissed his forehead and left the changing room.

"And here I was thinking he was a top.", he laughed to himself.

Inside the changing room, Changbin went up to the mirror and looked at his new hickeys, that were starting to show. He didn't care. He didn't give a fuck.

Why is my heart beating so fast?


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