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"No, you don't."

Everyone turned to see the woman standing in the crowd. Her green dress and jwelery made her look like a princess but her face was everything but royal. She stared at her father, almost hating herself for enjoying the situation. Him, on the ground, being exposed and embarrassed in front of everyone.

"You don't have a daughter. If you don't have two sons then I'm not your daughter, because I have two beautiful brothers, that did nothing wrong in their lives."

"They are faggots."

The crowd started talking again and Changbin, who had finally managed to stand by Felix's side, between him and Jisung, almost took a step back, feeling everyone looking at him.

"Don't use those words in my house, Seo.", Felix's dad growled, making everyone suddenly shut up.

The woman joined her brother and stared down at the person who they had called father, one day.

"I gave you everything."

"You took both of my brother's from me, you beat them up and my mom and you gave me everything? I had the best life out of all us, yes, but that is no reason for me not to hate you."

Changbin started walking towards them and stood in the middle, looking at him.

"You are a bad person.", he told his father." And you almost made me a bad person. I'm grateful I had the right people to make me understand that." Tears kept falling down but he didn't dare to let his voice break. He turned to his mom, who had stayed by the sidelines the whole time, not knowing how to react. "Leave this asshole, you deserve better. Now if you excuse me, I have better things to do."

"Call the police, we have enough evidence.", San nooded at Chan's dad as Changbin started going back to his friends, until a cracking voice stopped him.

"Changbin, sweatie, y-you're not going to let me go to jail, are you?", his dad smiled at him, hopeless but shameless as well. "I did nothing wrong!"

Chan's dad scoffed.

"Just the TWO times you abandoned your kids is enought, Changbin's an adult already but San wasn't, you're going to jail, Seo."


Felix quickly reached out to the boy and held his hand, once again ignoring all the gazes on them. He lifted his chin and looked their eyes, smiling to the boy hoping he could calm down.

Changbin turned to his father again and sighed.

"I'd say my parents told me not to talk to strangers, but I don't even have those. You got the idea, anyway. Good life."

Then he turned away and walked over the same bench where they had been before, followed by his friends and Felix's and Chan's mom, their dads talking to San and trying to figure out the whole situation.

Changbin sat down, shaking, and immediately a cup of tea coming from absolutly nowhere was in his hands, Felix and Jisung by his side and Jeongin in front of him, on his knees, smiling slightly at the boy.

"You did great hyung."

"Thankyou Innie.", the older couldn't help it but squeeze Jeongin's cheek.

"Heyheyhey!", Chan slapped his hand and put his hands on Jeongin's shoulder, not really caring about the fact that his mom would freak out about it and he wasn't even out for his family.

"I owe you a huge apology Changbin.", Felix's dad and uncle finally joined with San and Wooyoung. "Your sister went with the police, they'll need her full report firstly, your mom is with her as well." Changbin nodded.

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